Economía Agroalimentaria


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Drivers of change
Estudio técnico, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 13. The Progress towards Sustainable Agriculture initiative (PROSA) is a framework that seeks to complement ongoing efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and particularly indicator 2.4.1, to support...
Disponible en:English
Estudio técnico, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 12. The Agricultural Sector Review aims to provide an up-to-date picture of the current socio-economic situation of the agricultural sector in Lebanon and to identify key challenges and evidence-based...
Disponible en:English
Un análisis de escenarios prospectivos para México
Estudio técnico, 2021
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 11. El producto interno bruto (PIB) mexicano se contrajo de una forma sin precedentes como resultado de la crisis asociada a la COVID-19. Si bien...
Disponible en:English Español
The case of rice processors in Senegal
Estudio técnico, 2021
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 10. The objective of this publication is multifold. First, it aims to learn from small and medium sized agrifood manufacturers about the role they play in food systems transformation...
Disponible en:English français
Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020
Estudio técnico, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 9. Price and affordability are key barriers to accessing sufficient, safe, nutritious food to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In this study,...
Disponible en:English
Estudio técnico, 2020
Economía del desarrollo agrícola de la FAO – Estudio técnico N.o 8. En respuesta a la contracción económica que experimentó Nicaragua en 2018, y la urgente necesidad de recuperarse de ella, este estudio ofrece un análisis...
Disponible en:English Español
Estudio técnico, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 7. The present technical study provides the results and a summary of the most important lessons learned from implementation of a series of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices in the...
Disponible en:English
Estudio técnico, 2020
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 6. The analysis in this report aims to guide policymaking in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana in support of the agricultural development and diversification strategy and support decision making...
Disponible en:English
Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets
Estudio técnico, 2019
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 5. The roots and tubers industry in sub-Saharan Africa has been growing steadily in recent years. Nevertheless, a series of challenges, including lack of access to finance and climate...
Disponible en:English
Background paper for The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018
Estudio técnico, 2019
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 4. Global climate studies show that not only temperatures are increasing and precipitation levels are becoming more varied, all projections indicate these trends will continue. It is therefore imperative...
Disponible en:English
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