St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

The mission of the St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine is to improve the quality of training competitive specialists in demand in the labor market by introducing advanced knowledge and innovative developments, which will allow the University graduates to work effectively in a rapidly changing world, ensuring the solution of urgent problems in the field of veterinary medicine, veterinary medicine. sanitary expertise, fish farming, ecology, improving the quality of life of the population of the North-West region of the Russian Federation, contributing to the preservation and enhancement of professional knowledge, moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society.

The purpose of the University's development is to create a modern veterinary university that provides high-quality higher professional education based on integration with science, the best traditions of domestic veterinary medicine and modern educational technologies, high qualifications of the teaching staff, continuous improvement of the educational and scientific process and training conditions for students, constant raising the professional level of specialists in the field of agriculture in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

The University's strategy is aimed at modernization, development and improvement of the most priority areas of development of veterinary medicine. The strategic development of the University meets the objectives of the national policy of forming an innovative knowledge economy in Russia, training competitive specialists in demand in the labor market, increasing the level of professional knowledge of students and is implemented according to the Approved Comprehensive Action Plan for the period until 2025, as well as according to local programs and development plans of the relevant directions of the University's activities.