A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS | RV1 | Российская Федерация |
Academician Abdulla Garayev Institute of Physiology | AZA | Азербайджан |
Academy of Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea | KP0 | Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика |
Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran | IRT | Иран (Исламская Республика) |
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University | INC | Индия |
Acta Natura et Scientia | TRT | Турция |
Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness | INJ | Индия |
Addis Ababa University | ET1 | Эфиопия |
Aegean Agricultural Research Institute | TRC | Турция |
Afe Babalola University | NG4 | Нигерия |
Africa Nazarene University | KE8 | Кения |
Africa Scholarly Science Communications Trust | KE9 | Кения |
African Crop Science Society | UG3 | Уганда |
African Journals OnLine | AJ0 | Южная Африка |
African Union | ET2 | Эфиопия |
AfricaRice | QA1 | Кот-д`Ивуар |
Afyon Kocatepe University | TRV | Турция |
Aga Khan University | PK1 | Пакистан |
Agency for the Promotion of European Research | ES3 | Испания |
Agricultural Academy | BG4 | Болгария |
Agricultural Documentation Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation | YE0 | Йемен |
Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Institute | SK0 | Словакия |
Agricultural Planning, Economics, and Rural Development Research Institute | IRD | Иран (Исламская Республика) |
Agricultural Research and Education Organization | IR0 | Иран (Исламская Республика) |
Agricultural Research Centre | LY0 | Ливия |