Résistance aux antimicrobiens



17-18 décembre

International conference on Food Safety Risk Analysis and Antimicrobial Resistance
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18-24 novembre

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20 Juilliet

Antimicrobial Resistance Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals
International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG)
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11-12 Juilliet

Regional Forum on Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture

8-9 Juilliet

2nd Regional Workshop on Legislation relevant to AMU and AMR in food and agriculture
Bangkok, Thaïlande

1-3 Juilliet

Piloting the Progressive Management Pathway for antimicrobial resistance
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
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26 Mars

Webinar for journalists: Antimicrobial Resistance, Europe together to tackle a global health challenge
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18-22 Mars

Resistance to antimicrobials and "One Health": Implications for agrarian systems, food security and the environment
Zaragoza, Espagne
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18-19 Mars

Meeting of the Technical Working Group for Technical Items #7 and #8 of the AMR/AMU Technical Advisory Group for Southeast Asia
Bangkok, Thailand
[Note conceptuelle]

14–15 Mars

12th Berlin Conference on Life Sciences - Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics 2019
Berlin, Germany
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14 Mars

FAVA-VIV Asia Seminar 2019 AMR: From Science to Policy
Bangkok, Thailand
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11-15 Mars

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment Methodologies of Microbiological Risk Assessment
FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
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4 Mars

Pre-AREM AMR Workshop: Refining the Regional Directions in Implementing the FAO Action Plan in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bangkok, Thailand
[Note conceptuelle]

21 Février   

Launch of the FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Case Study Series 
FAO HQ, Rome, Italie
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