Antimicrobial Resistance

News archive

Safe and Quality Poultry Products Starts from Hygienic Farms

The production process on farms determines the quality of the poultry products we consume daily. One of the most essential aspects to consider are poultry farm's hygiene and sanitation to avoid threaten human health.

Bolivia y Colombia se unen al Proyecto Global de aplicación del Codex para la RAM

“FAO realiza lanzamiento de proyecto para implementación de normas del Codex Alimentarius para mitigar la RAM transmitida por los alimentos” El 17 de febrero del presente, FAO efectuó el lanzamiento virtual del proyecto “Implementación de las normas del Codex Alimentarius para [...]

Alianza Cuadripartita: PNUMA formaliza su adhesión consolidando el enfoque Una Salud

Una Salud, una Alianza que crece en capacidades y compromisos con la incorporación del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA). El PNUMA recientemente consolidó su integración a la Alianza Tripartita FAO-OIE-OMS, para acelerar la estrategia de gestión [...]

AMR: FAO Director-General participates in 4th Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today joined high-level participants at the fourth Global Leaders Group (GLG) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) to discuss future action, including the possible incorporation of AMR [...]

FAO helping reduce use of antimicrobials in broiler value chain in Zimbabwe

All around the world antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is on the rise in people, plants and animals leading to deaths from infections that cannot be treated even with the best medicines available.

FAO-OIE-OPS/OMS y Autoridades de UE analizan logros y desafíos frente a tercer año de Proyecto

La Alianza Tripartita y la UE refuerzan su compromiso contra la RAM a través del proyecto “Trabajando juntos para combatir la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos”, la búsqueda de sinergias y la gestión intersectorial son el derrotero de la acción. Con los [...]

Lancet study emphasizes the need to address AMR data gaps

The publication of two Codex standards on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) coincides with a study in the Lancet released on 19 January 2022 that describes AMR as “one of the leading public health threats of the 21st century”. The Lancet study [...]

Experts discuss the management of acaricide and trypanocidal drug resistance in livestock farming

A double whammy is challenging livestock farmers in sub-Saharan Africa,  ticks and tick-borne diseases, and tsetse-transmitted  African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) or Nagana. There is no vaccine against AAT, and existing drugs are losing their efficacy because of the emergence of [...]

FAO promotes awareness and prudent use of antimicrobials in Asia-Pacific during Word Antimicrobial Awareness Week

The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific has supported several activities to raise awareness on AMR and on the need to use antimicrobials prudently among different audiences of Asia and the Pacific to mark WAAW

FAO pushes Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) high on the animal health agenda in Mongolia

Due to its unique context in Mongolia, the risk of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) remains high. With its large number of livestock population, which outnumbers the human population by a factor of 20, and the easy access to over-the-counter drugs to [...]

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