Antimicrobial Resistance

World AMR Awareness Week | 18-24 November 2024 

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week has been renamed World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) after global consultation meetings with participants from various sectors and regions. The decision to rebrand the global campaign stems from the need for a more appropriate term encompassing the concept of resistance, which is the main challenge that needs to be addressed.


The theme for the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024 is “Educate. Advocate. Act now.”
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a pressing global health and socioeconomic crisis. It has significant impacts on human and animal health, food production and the environment. Drug-resistant-pathogens pose a threat to everyone, everywhere. Yet, much more can be done to raise public and stakeholder awareness.  Therefore, this year’s theme calls on the global community to educate stakeholders on AMR, advocate for bold commitments and take concrete actions in response to AMR. The 2024 UNGA High-level Meeting on AMR and the fourth Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR, for instance, provide a critical window of opportunity for political and financial commitments as well as increased accountability in response to AMR. Stronger political leadership, advocacy and accountability are needed at all levels and the time to act is now.

How to participate

Get involved in one or more of the following ways and encourage your network to do so! If you organize an activity, virtually or in person, let us know!

  • Go Blue for AMR awareness: Go Blue (wear light blue when participating in WAAW events; adjust your social media profiles to blue and share why you are Going Blue with friends, family, colleagues, and on social media).
  • Target the top: Write to your elected representatives and let them know your concerns about the threat of AMR. Have you piqued their interest? Ask them to talk to you and your colleagues about your country's priorities for the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR in 2024.
  • Reach out to the media: Share key messages by participating in panel discussions and media briefings. Invite journalists to cover your events and activities to get more people to participate.
  • Engage and collaborate with young AMR Champions in your area: Work with your local school administration to hold a special school assembly on AMR.
  • Use the WAAW visuals: Visual reminders to handle antimicrobials with care are a great way to start conversations and raise awareness of current AMR challenges – check out this Trello board for ideas.

What can we do to help reduce the need for antimicrobials and minimize the emergence of AMR?


    Strengthen infection prevention and control in health facilities, farms and food industry premises.


    Ensure access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, and vaccines.


    Implement best practices in food and agricultural production.


    Minimize pollution and ensure proper waste and sanitation management.

Key messages

Good husbandry practices, biosecurity, sanitation, hygiene, vaccination and other infection prevention measures are essential to reduce the need for antimicrobials in animals and antimicrobial pesticides in plants.

The use of Integrated Pest Management and good agricultural practices provides a system-wide approach to keeping crops healthy, resorting to chemical pesticides, including antimicrobials, only as a last option.

Scientific knowledge and science-based evidence are needed to identify, manage and mitigate AMR risks before they become large-scale emergencies.

Improving access to expert advice, prescriptions, appropriate antimicrobials will limit the development of AMR, reduce production and productivity losses and build more sustainable and resilient agrifood systems.

Laboratory diagnostic and sensitivity tests are essential for the detection of AMR. They guide therapeutic treatments to save human and animal lives. They also play a key role in surveillance efforts to design successful interventions to reduce AMR in humans, animals, plants and the environment.

Good governance of AMR requires regulation of substandard and counterfeit antimicrobials and investment in reducing AMR at national level in line with the commitments of the Global Action Plan.

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