Résistance aux antimicrobiens

FAO supports Ethiopian government in developing media training to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance


The mass media plays a crucial role in advocacy, awareness raising and educating society in the prevention and mitigation of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through dissemination of evidence-based information. For the mass media to play this key role, it is necessary to improve their understanding and capacity in relation to antimicrobial use (AMU) and AMR, basic principles of disease prevention, as well as the safe and quality production of food of animal origin.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through the AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund (AMR MPTF), has supported, among others, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ethiopian Agriculture Authority in developing a training manual and in training mass media and Public Relations professionals on "AMU, AMR and safe food production" in order to better and more effectively inform society on addressing antimicrobial resistance.

The training held in Adama, Ethiopia, from 26 to 28 October 2022 and was attended by 41 participants (including six women) from 19 media outlets and institutions.

"AMR is one of the top priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture. The ministry has been working hand in hand with private and public media organizations and media professionals to promote AMR as a national and global issue, and plans are underway to reach out to urban and rural communities in various local languages," said Mr. Girma Mulugeta, Advisor to the State Minister for Livestock Services. He also thanked FAO for its technical and financial support in producing a training manual that targets media professionals, and organizing this training.

The training covered topics such as (1) basic principles of disease prevention and control and their relationship to AMR prevention and containment, (2) basic awareness and understanding on the rational use of medicines and AMU in animal and human health, (3) link between the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials and AMR, and (4) basic technical information needed to produce and report appropriate AMR messages.

On the second day of the workshop, participants were able to spend half a day working in the field to document AMU and AMR information and ready for broadcast.  On the last day, the participants presented their fieldwork to the plenary under the guidance of an experienced health journalist from the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation.


The media, an important partner in disseminating messages

"The training helped build the capacity of media experts covering health-related issues related to AMU and AMR, as the media is an important source of information for the general public and policy makers," said Ms. Askale Asrat, media professional and training participant. She added that the activity has facilitated access to technical information and expertise from animal, human and environmental as resources for preparing stories and reports on AMU and AMR in various media platforms.

The training clarified the role and contribution of mass media professionals in the prevention and containment of AMR and in the development and implementation of policies and strategies. Participants agreed to update themselves and further develop their skills to contribute to behaviours and practices improvements of the society that will have a positive impact on AMU and AMR in the community. Following the training, the participants have broadcasted AMU and AMR topics in their respective media outlets.


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