Résistance aux antimicrobiens

CALL FOR MEMBERS: Good Agriculture Practices and Prudent Antimicrobial Use to Reduce the Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Agrifood Sector


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) would like to invite interested members to join the Community of Practice (CoP) on Good Agriculture Practices and Prudent Antimicrobial Use to Reduce the Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the Agrifood Sector. 

The CoP will convene a group of stakeholders from the food and agriculture (agrifood) sectors, including international experts of diverse backgrounds and disciplines, to discuss options and explore possible pathways to reduce reliance on antimicrobials in the agrifood sector and the slowdown of AMR emergence and spread. An online platform will support the CoP in creating communication channels across diverse networks, bringing members together for online discussion to share experiences, exploring and testing innovative tools and examples on the ground, and eventually shaping joint actions.

Agrifood systems play a vital role in the emergence and spread of AMR. Good agriculture practices enhance crop yields and livestock production and prioritize environmental conservation and food safety. In the context of AMR, good agricultural practices are critical in reducing the risk of AMR development within agricultural systems. By adhering to good farming practices, farmers can optimize animal health, reduce disease outbreaks, and improve agricultural productivity without excessively relying on antimicrobials.

The prudent use of antimicrobials in agriculture refers to a careful, judicious approach to administering antibiotics and other antimicrobials in animal husbandry and crop production. Excessive and inappropriate use of these drugs in agriculture has significantly contributed to the emergence and spread of AMR. When antimicrobials are administered inappropriately or without proper oversight, microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa) can develop resistance mechanisms, rendering these essential drugs ineffective in veterinary and human medicine.

Addressing AMR requires concerted efforts across various sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, and the environment. Reducing the need for antimicrobials through good agriculture practices and promoting prudent use of antimicrobials in agriculture as essential components of a multifaceted One Health strategy are critical to mitigating the risks associated with AMR.

The One Health approach will delve into the impact of AMR on human health, the environment, and the agricultural sector while highlighting the potential solutions and benefits arising from adopting responsible farming practices. Through improved application of good agricultural practices and prudent antimicrobial use, we can collectively work towards safeguarding our food supply and the effectiveness of vital antimicrobial treatments for future generations.

Reducing the need for antimicrobials in agrifood sectors has been further highlighted by the Global Leaders Group on AMR[1] and the FAO Community of Agriculture’s Sub-Committee on Livestock. FAO is fully committed to supporting its members in tackling AMR risks arising from the agrifood sector. It will soon launch a global 10-year initiative, “Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation (RENOFARM). This global initiative contributes to transforming countries’ agrifood systems by providing comprehensive support in implementing good agricultural practices that reduce the need for antimicrobials and prudent and responsible use when antimicrobials are needed. 

The present CoP will contribute to the “Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation” initiative through the implementation of the following major objectives:

  • Co-create evidence-based knowledge and share examples on the ground of good agricultural practices and prudent antimicrobial use to reduce the risk of AMR.
  • Networking and collaboration: Provide a venue for gathering stakeholders to discuss options, explore possible pathways, and share knowledge and experience on reducing the need for antimicrobials in agrifood systems.
  • Development of knowledge documents and high-quality tools contributing to reducing the need for antimicrobials in agrifood systems through collaborative engagement.
  • Support knowledge exchange and learning to encourage collaborative engagement from relevant stakeholders across the human-animal-plant interface and ensure the advancement of knowledge and recommendations, promoting awareness and visibility of the issue and implementing actions. 

 The CoP will provide the opportunity to shape the working topics through a participatory approach and bring members’ interests to the table, which may broadly link to the following thematic areas:

  1. Prudent and responsible antimicrobial use includes but is not limited to, developing veterinary medicines prescription guidelines, veterinary medicines management, and environmental contamination.
  2. Veterinary medicines quality control and authorization.
  3. Good agriculture practices to reduce the incidence of infections and spread of AMR, including good husbandry practice, biosecurity, and vaccination, among others.
  4. Epidemiology, risk assessment, and economics in agrifood systems (animals, plants, feed, food). 
  5. Alternatives to antimicrobials.
  6. AMR risk management in the agrifood environment.
  7. AMR-related policy, legislation, and governance.
  8. Social and behavioural sciences relating to AMR and AMU. 



Stakeholders of the food and agriculture sectors interested in one or multiple areas of the above thematic areas of the CoP. 



  • To share your knowledge, results, lessons, and challenges of good agricultural practices in reducing AMR threat.
  • To find the latest developments on good agricultural practices and prudent antimicrobial use.
  • To access information, opportunities, and networks to help your work. 
  • To contribute towards influencing policy and frameworks for AMR and AMU.

Participation is free of charge. To join the CoP on Good Agriculture Practices and Prudent Antimicrobial Use to Reduce the Risk of AMR in the Agrifood Sector, register here.

For any queries, please contact us at [email protected].

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