

ACT project: Cambodia sets priorities to combat AMR

A roadmap workshop took place on 27 April 2023 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia bringing together all relevant stakeholders to identify their priorities for addressing foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR (ACT)” [...]

Red GOARN fortalece la cooperación regional y avanza en enfoque Una Salud.

En Panamá, encuentro de Red mundial aborda la importancia de fortalecer la red regional en las Américas y explorar colaboraciones en el marco del enfoque One Health. Del 2 al 4 de mayo del 2023 en Ciudad de Panamá, FAO fue [...]

ACT project in Mongolia: Veterinarians recommend regulating the prescription of antimicrobials

A conference on "The Engagement of the Veterinary Sector for Ensuring Food Safety", sponsored by the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project in Mongolia, was held on 3 April 2023. More than 120 veterinarians and livestock [...]

Sector Alimentación Animal avanza en su incorporación en la gobernanza de la RAM

Mediante una V reunión virtual con siete países socios, se analizaron los perfiles de capacidades existentes para contener la RAM, a través de Políticas de Piensos Medicados y su Gobernanza. El pasado 20 de abril del 2023, se efectúo la V [...]

FAO supports Tajikistan in tackling antimicrobial resistance in food and agriculture

FAO recently organized a series of consultations for national stakeholders from the veterinary sector in Dushanbe, Tajikistan to advance in tackling AMR in agrifood systems.

National Workshop Held in Ghana to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

  Strengthening  institute cross-sectoral collaboration, public-private partnership, communication among stakeholders and information sharing The government of Ghana, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), organized a national workshop to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the food [...]

ACT project: Ability of Bolivia and Colombia to detect AMR in food assessed

Two countries in Latin America now know more about their national antimicrobial resistance (AMR) situation and the next steps in detecting AMR to ensure safe food. Bolivia and Colombia finished assessments of their AMR surveillance system and selected laboratories as [...]

Antimicrobial resistance focal experts and advisory committee members trained on AMR Monitoring and Evaluation in Ethiopia

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) exists everywhere and challenging countries globally. It is impacting global health security, livelihoods and economies across sectors. Low income countries are bearing disproportionately the negative impacts of AMR compounded already with high burden of infectious diseases associated [...]

ACT project in Mongolia: Prudent use of antimicrobials discussed among herders

The “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project was presented at the Herders Forum in Mongolia on 2 March 2023, where more than 400 herders, livestock specialists, and local governors discussed the government's policies for the development [...]

Global antimicrobial resistance forum launched to help tackle common threat to planetary health

The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform aims to address AMR by bringing together voices from all countries and sectors through a One Health approach Antimicrobials play a crucial role in preventing and treating infections and diseases in humans, animals and plants, but [...]
