Resistencia a los antimicrobianos

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Una Salud: preservar los antimicrobianos para las personas, los animales y el medioambiente

La resistencia a los antimicrobianos se produce cuando las bacterias, los virus, los hongos y los parásitos dejan de responder a los agentes antimicrobianos. Como resultado de la resistencia a los medicamentos, los antibióticos y otros agentes antimicrobianos se vuelven [...]

Tip 3 on how to fight antimicrobial resistance

Tip 3: Maintain personal hygiene and keep your environment clean. Bacteria can grow resistant in unclean hospitals and farms. Control the spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria by washing hands and tools.

Tip 2 on how to fight antimicrobial resistance

Tip 2: Don’t misuse or overuse antimicrobials like antibiotics. Such practices create resistant bacteria. Doctors and veterinarians should provide appropriate prescriptions, which everyone should follow!

Tip 1 on how to fight antimicrobial resistance

Tip 1: Responsibly dispose of unused and unwanted antimicrobials such as antibiotics by taking them to a professional (health or pharmacist). Throwing away antibiotics creates resistant bacteria in pipes, sewers, waterways and seas.

No time to wait - the work of the ad hoc Task Force for Antimicrobial Resistance

The Codex Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (TFAMR) has worked to update and broaden the Code of Practice to minimize and contain Antimicrobial Resistance and also to establish Guidelines

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