


Juan Lubroth, FAO Chief Veterinary Officer - Antimicrobials: food production and resistance

Juan Lubroth, FAO Chief Veterinary Officer explains the importance of antimicrobials in food production and issues related to resistance. He also illustrates the purpose of the High Level Event on Antimicrobial Resistance at the UN General Assembly of September 21st [...]

Antimicrobial resistance: antibiotics in the livestock sector and their impact on public health

Why is it so important to prevent and control Antimicrobial resistance? What actions need to be done? Who are the most important players? Dr Juan Lubroth, Chief Veterinary Officer at FAO, introduces the complex problem of AMR. The interview has been produced [...]

Speaker's corner: interview with Professor H. Morgan Scott (Texas A&M University)

Antimicrobial Resistance - Plights, Parables and Paradoxes: Professor H. Morgan Scott (Epidemiology Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University) talks on antimicrobial resistance, giving an interesting review on the topic and a synthesis [...]

The food safety and Codex Alimentarius standpoint on Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial Resistance is a real concern and can become a killer if we don't take action. Sarah Cahill, Food Safety Officer at FAO, and Annamaria Bruno, Senior Food Standard Officer at Codex Alimentarius Secretariat, inform that the food supply chain plays [...]
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