FAO in Armenia
Within the framework of the ENPARD 'Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture' project practical workshop on 'Advanced practices of raspberry production' was held in Alapars community of Kotayq marz on October 20. More than 50 participants from agricultural cooperatives, Agrarian University, Agricultural Support Marz Centers, NGOs and farmers learnt...
To celebrate World Food Day, Ignati Arakelyan, RA Minister of Armenia, Bradley Busseto, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Pascal Micheau, WFP Country Director and Representative together with more than 30 senior-year students of Armenian State Agrarian University visited the collection and demonstration orchards of apricot and grape, established...
Schoolchildren of Tsitsan and Haytagh communities of Armavir marz celebrated World Food Day on October 12-13. FAO in collaboration with World Food Programme have organized a series of events in the schools, through which schoolchildren learnt about the theme of World Food Day ‘Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must...
The third ENPARD stakeholders’ meeting took place to present and introduce the most recent developments and achievements of the ENPARD programme components, which are in line with sustainable agricultural development strategy implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Minister of Agriculture, International Aid/Cooperation Officer of the EU Delegation, governmental and...
ENPARD Armenia hosted the implementers and partners of ENPARD Moldova and Georgia within the framework of exchange of experience visit during the period of 26-28 September 2016. In total 16 participants from Georgia and Moldova participated, representing the Ministries of Agriculture, line agencies, ENPARD partner international and local NGOs, and...