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Puno (Peru), حدث هجين, 14/11/2024 - 15/11/2024

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 0458-2017-MINAGRI, November 15 of each year is the “National Vicuña Day”, with the purpose of revaluing this wildlife resource, as well as the ancestral practice for its management and conservation carried out by peasant organizations and raise awareness of the potential of this resource and its protection against poaching and trafficking of its fiber.

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Arequipa (Peru), 08/11/2024

The event will convene actors in the meat value chain of domestic South American camelids (alpaca and llama) to evaluate the progress and limitations in the development of production, marketing and consumption of this highly nutritional resource, as well as its incorporation into Peru's gastronomic offer to the world. Studies and experiences will be presented on nutritional and health aspect...

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Arequipa (Peru), 21/10/2024 - 26/10/2024

The International Alpaca Association (IAA) in alliance with PROMPERU-MINCETUR will carry out the eighth edition of ALPACA FIESTA, the most important alpaca event worldwide, which aims to disseminate and promote the alpaca fiber in the global textile market and brings together breeders, companies and institutions linked to the world of alpaca and South American camelids in a festive and highl...

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Arequipa (Peru), 01/10/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and she...

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فعالية افتراضية, 25/09/2024 - 27/09/2024

En el Año Internacional de los Camélidos, los invitamos a participar de las SEGUNDAS JORNADAS ARGENTINAS PARA LA CONSERVACIÓN Y MANEJO DE CAMÉLIDOS SILVESTRES SUDAMERICANOS organizadas por el Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar Región NOA (IPAF NOA– CIPAF – INTA) y el Grupo de Investigación en Ecofisiología de Fauna Silvestre (GIEFAS – I...

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Ayacucho (Peru), 24/09/2024

Within the framework of the International Year of the Camelids and the inclusion of the guanaco in Appendix II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), which aims to prioritize conservation and habitat management throughout the species' distribution range, promote joint actions to address the threat of illegal trade, expand efforts to assess the local...

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Ondores (Peru), 13/09/2024 - 14/09/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and she...

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Puno (Peru), 24/08/2024 - 29/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Julio E. Barreda Aragón” fairground in the district of Macusani, province of Carabaya, in the department of Puno. Through this event, the participation of alpaca and llama breeders is promoted at the local, regional and national level, providing them with a means to publicize their products and services. Likewise, it...

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Arequipa (Peru), 23/08/2024 - 24/08/2024

Within the framework of the International Year of Camelids 2024, it is of utmost importance to recognize the importance of the Peruvian subspecies of guanaco (Lama guanicoe cacsilensis), given the current categorization of its populations as a “critically endangered” species, in accordance with the Supreme Decree No. 004-2014-MINAGRI.

The importance of the guanaco is based on a set o...

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Cusco (Peru), 07/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Señor de Pampacucho” fairground in the district of Sicuani, province of Canchis, in the department of Cusco. This year it joins the activities of the International Year of Camelids and takes on greater relevance as it is its 50th Anniversary. Through this event, the participation of alpaca and llama breeders is...

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Cusco (Peru), 01/08/2024 - 04/08/2024

Event led by the Regional Government of Cusco, which seeks to promote and enhance the development of the value chains of South American camelids to improve the livelihoods of high Andean breeders. It will be held from 1-4 August 2024, in the “Jardín de la Cerveza Cusqueña” located in the historic center of the city of Cusco. The event will cover the following themes:

1) advances in th...

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Cusco (Peru), 01/08/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and she...

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Huancavelica (Peru), 20/07/2024 - 21/07/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and sh...

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Lima (Peru), 10/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

The III International Seminar on Sustainable Production of South American Camelids: Securing Biodiversity will be held from July 10th to 12th on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru.

The objective is to strengthen the capacity of researchers, technicians and breeders in the sustainability of diversity and breeding of South American camelids. This event w...

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Ninacaca (Peru), 28/06/2024

Peru is the second largest producer of llamas in the world. Its main product is meat, which is one of the main sources of protein for the high Andean population and has been consumed as dry-salted meat, known as "charqui", for more than 3,500 years. Llamas are also used as pack animals for bartering and tourism. Their fiber and leather are used to make products for household...

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Macusani (Peru), 27/06/2024 - 29/06/2024

La "VIII Expo Alpaca - Llama" Munaypaqocha 2024 es una de las Ferias más resaltantes e importante en el ámbito alpaquero de la capital alpaquera del Perú y del mundo, Macusani, de la región Puno de Perú, se podrá encontrar animales de primerísima calidad, mejorados por el alpaquero macusaneño por varias décadas.

Este evento está caracterizado por la presencia de jueces de primer nivel ...

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Milan (Italy), 26/06/2024

Seminario l’ALPACA, “la fibra degli dei”, “l’Oro delle Ande”. Cultura millenaria sostenibile del Perú. L’obiettivo di questo seminario è rendere omaggio a questo importante esemplare nell’Anno Internazionale dei Camelidi. L’organizzazione è a carico dell’Associazione Culturale denominata "Perú Amico D’Italia" con sede nella città di Monza.

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Ayacucho (Peru), 22/06/2024 - 24/06/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and sh...

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Garowe (Somalia), 21/06/2024 - 22/06/2024

The Biciid Center for Culture and Nature, the only cultural center for research, preservation and dissemination of Somali indigenous knowledge, proposes the Somali Camel Fete. This vibrant festival celebrates the cultural and ecological significance of camels in Somalia during the International Year of Camelids 2024 and after. Somalia boasts the world's largest Dromedary camel population, ma...

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Huancayo (Peru), 20/06/2024 - 21/06/2024

Los camélidos sudamericanos son estratégicos productivamente, socialmente y económicamente para la sostenibilidad del Perú. En el marco de la celebración del Año Internacional de los Camélidos, el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) - Proyecto PROGAN y la Facultad de Zootecnia de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú organizarán el “Simposio Nacional en Camélidos Sudamerica...