هيئة الموارد الوراثية للأغذية والزراعة

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


 أودعت جمهورية كولومبيا صك تصديقها على المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة لدى المدير العام لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة، وستصبح الطرف المتعاقد عدد 153.
Biological control agents (BCAs) and biostimulants represent a sound, effective and nature-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides, however they are often disregarded by scientists, government decision-makers and the general public.
Aspiring and established plant scientists from around Africa gathered in Kenya’s capital for a workshop to review what has been achieved so far by the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC). In its first decade, the AOCC has empowered more than 172 scientists, nearly 40 percent of whom have been ...
In response to the increasing demands of a growing global population, farmers are actively exploring innovative methods to boost crop yields, enhance soil health, and ensure sustainable practices. Biological control agents and biostimulants are emerging as vital tools in this endeavor, playing a ...
Tuesday, 17 September 2024 
10:00-11:30 CET 
FAO HQ, Iran Room
From Sept 16-19, the Twelfth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System will take place.

Regional consultations for Europe and Central Asia on the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture will be held virtually from 10 to 12 September 2024. The meeting will be co-organized with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food an...


The revised – unedited – draft of the Third Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is now out for review (click h...

Climate change is increasing the susceptibility of the world's forests to stressors such as wildfires and pests, according to a new flagship publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that emphasizes the role of innovation in achieving a sustainable future fo...

The FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission), at its 19th Regular Session, requested for a report on the practical application of access and benefit-sharing (ABS) country measures t...

مدينة الكويت. يوم 9 يوليو/تموز 2024، استهل الملتقى الإقليمي التشاوري أعماله بشأن استعراض خطة العمل العالمية الثانية للموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة في الكويت. لقد اجتمع أكثر...

The First Session of the Ad Hoc Expert Team on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture opened on 2 July 2024. The Expert Team was established by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in 2023 to review issues related to biodiversity for food and agriculture (BFA) and...


The revised – unedited – draft of the Second Report on Forest Genetic Resources is now out for review (click here to download). 

A first draft ...


Regional consultations on the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture will be held from 9 to 11 July 2024 in Kuwait City, Kuwait. The meeting will be co-organized with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and hos...

The inaugural celebration of the International Day of Potato on May 30 will be held at FAO Headquarters and online. The day will bring together ministers, experts, and communities from around the world to spotlight the potato's vital role in enhancing nutrition, ensuring food security, and suppor...

Rome, 22 May 2024. On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity, the Chair of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Mr Benoît Girard (Canada) stressed the important role of biodiversity and genetic resources for food security and nutrition. ...

يسعى المشروع إلى تحقيق هدف رئيسي يتمثل في تنشيط نظام ميلبا الزراعي وإبراز دوره بقدر أكبر، بحيث يوصل شعورًا بالتقدير للمزارعين لما يقدمونه من منتجات ويساعد في الوقت ذاته سكان المدن في البلاد على إدراك قيمة عملهم.
The Government of Slovenia and FAO organize this International forum for action on sustainable beekeeping and pollination.