Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Monitoring of Nutrition and Biodiversity

Indicators on nutrition and biodiversity have been developed to raise awareness of the role of biodiversity in addressing nutrition issues at national level. These indictors – one on food composition and one on food consumption – are counts of foods that are considered “biodiverse”, i.e. foods identified: 

  • below species level, i.e. identified as a variety, breed or cultivar (e.g. Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum);
  • wild foods (in contrast to cultivated or farmed foods); or
  • underutilized foods (these foods are listed in the INFOODS list of underutilized species).

The indicator on food composition is a count of the number of biodiverse foods with at least one value available for a nutrient or bioactive component. It provides a rough picture of the global availability of compositional data for biodiverse foods.

The indicator on food consumption is a count of the number of biodiverse foods reported by a survey instrument. It shows the extent to which biodiverse foods are featured in food consumption tools.

FAO coordinates the International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS), a worldwide network of food composition experts aiming to improve the quality, availability, reliability and use of food composition data. Its objectives are:

  • development of international criteria for judging the quality of data on food composition;
    identification of existing sources of useful data on food composition;
  • promotion of the generation, acquisition and dissemination of new data on the composition of foods, beverages and their ingredients that meet the criteria developed; and
  • facilitation, on a world-wide basis, of the access, retrieval, interchange and general harmonization of food composition data.

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