Climate Change

Joining forces to fight climate change in Senegal: the SAGA has begun


Dakar - The Government of Senegal, together with the Government of Quebec, FAO, and over seventy representatives from the public, research and private sectors, officially launched the Senegal component of a global project to strengthen adaptation planning capacities for food security and nutrition, entitled ‘Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation’ (SAGA). From 2019 to 2021, SAGA-Senegal will support the implementation of the adaptation component of Senegal's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the agriculture sectors. It will also facilitate the completion of three studies assessing resilience potential in the fields of water, livestock and agroforestry, and will support the rural populations of the Senegalese regions of Niayes, Groundnut Basin, Casamance, Senegal River and Matam to implement and scale-up adaptation practices.

SAGA is a multi-stakeholder collaboration project led by FAO, to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sectors for sustainable development in Senegal and Haiti. The project’s holistic approach considers climate change adaptation planning as both a political and a political process and is working with stakeholders and policy makers at local, national and international level.

“We will spare no efforts to support the adaptation planning exercise that will lead to a new generation of projects and programs in the era of climate change,” said His Excellency Mamadou Salif Sow, Senegal’s Secretary of State in charge of good governance expressing the country’s ambitions at the launch of the project.

Project launch report:

National multi-stakeholder consultation report:

Project document:



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Photos on Flickr:
Launch of the project 
National multi-stakeholder consultation ahead of the project launch