Coordinating lead authors: Julie Belanger (FAO), Irene Hoffmann (FAO), Kim-Anh Tempelman (FAO).
Contributing authors: Anna Asfaw (FAO), Devin Bartley (FAO), Malcolm Beveridge (FAO), Paul Boettcher (FAO), Stefano Diulgheroff (FAO), Simon Funge-Smith (FAO), Bonnie Furman (FAO), Ruth Garcia Gomez (FAO), Matthias Halwart (FAO), Wilson Hugo (FAO), Jarkko Koskela (FAO), Gregoire Leroy (FAO), Shawn McGuire (FAO), Chikelu Mba (FAO), Albert Nikiema (FAO), Arshiya Noorani (FAO), NdeyeNdack Diop (FAO), Moctar Sacande, Austin Stankus (FAO).
Reviewer: Dafydd Pilling (FAO)
Notes: This module is an update of Module 6 Conservation and sustainable use for genetic resources for food and agriculture in the Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook (2013) written by Anna Asfaw, Linda Collette, Ehsan Dulloo, Damiano Luchetti with contributions by Devin Bartley, Cassandra De Young, Mary Jane Dela Cruz, Matthias Halwart, Kathrin Hett, Irene Hoffmann, Mario Marino, Albert Nikiema, Dafydd Pilling, Beate Scherf, Doris Soto, Kim-Anh Tempelman and Álvaro Toledo in coordination with the Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and FAO’s inter-departmental working group on biodiversity.
Parts of the module are taken from: FAO. 2015a. Coping with climate change - the roles of genetic resources for food and agriculture, Rome, edited by Dafydd Pilling with contributions by Linda Collette, Damiano Luchetti, Dafydd Pilling, Anna Asfaw, Agnès Fonteneau, Andy Jarvis, Hari Upadhyaya, C.L.L. Gowda, P.K. Aggarwal, Sam Fujisaka, Ben Anderson, Irene Hoffmann, Judy Loo, Bruno Fady, Ian Dawson, Barbara Vinceti, Giulia Baldinelli, Roger Pullin, Patrick White, Matthew J.W. Cock, Jacobus C. Biesmeijer, Raymond J.C. Cannon, Philippa J. Gerard, Dave Gillespie, Juan J. Jiménez, Patrick M. Lavelle, Suresh K. Raina, Fen Beed, Anna Benedetti, Gianluigi Cardinali, Sukumar Chakraborty, Thomas Dubois, Karen Garrett and Michael Halewood.