During the 2024 Session, delegates will discuss a broad range of topics pertinent to the COAG mandate. These will include the outcomes of the 2nd Session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock, the One Health approach, sustainable management of plastics in agriculture, land and water resources, bioeconomy, agriculture and forestry linkages, the status of women in agrifood systems, the nutrition, climate change, biodiversity and food security nexus, the potential of neglected and underutilized species, as well as the improving the uptake of technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation. Additionally, the Agenda will address other relevant topics brought forward from the previous COAG Session and other Governing Bodies.
As FAO’s main technical advisory committee on agriculture, COAG will review the central role of food and agriculture for achieving the SDGs and will provide a platform for exchange and dialogue amongst participants and give strategic direction for the work of FAO in the agrifood sectors to promote the transformation of agrifood systems to be more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable.
Day 1 | 30 September
Day 2 | 1 October
Day 3 | 2 October
Day 4 | 3 October
Day 5 | 4 October
Adoption of the report
Joining the event
Registering for the 29th Session of the Committee on Agriculture
Members’ accreditation for the 29th Session of the Committee on Agriculture opened on _____, on the Members Gateway. Please note that each delegate will need to insert in the form an email account for accreditation. The same email address should be inserted in the Zoom registration form, to grant the participant access to the virtual meeting platform.
Designated observers are kindly requested to send names, official titles, addresses and email accounts to attend the Session, by e-mail to [email protected], together with a recent passport-size digital photograph.
All meetings of the 29th Session of the COAG will be conducted in hybrid modality with both physical presence in FAO headquarters and participation through the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The link to access the Zoom virtual meeting platform will be made available upon receipt of the above information.
For clarifications or questions kindly contact [email protected].
Substantive topics
The discussion documents can be accessed here.
Discussions will also cover:
- The Potential of Neglected and Underutilized Species
- The Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Food Security Nexus
- FAO's Programme of Work in the Agrifood Sectors under the Strategic Framework 2022-31
- Report of the Global Soil Partnership
- Proposal for an International Day of Milk
- Guidelines for Integrated Land Use Planning
- Revising the FAO/WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticides Management
- Implementation of the recommendations of the 28th Session of COAG
- Multi-Year Programme of Work of the Committee