Oman India Fertiliser Company S.A.O.C (OMIFCO)

Objective(s) of the engagement

The Letter of Intent established between the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth, Public Authority for small and medium enterprise (SME) Development, Oman India Fertiliser Company S.A.O.C (OMIFCO) and FAO declared their intention to work together and develop a joint partnership programme for strenghtening SME's capacities for sustainable apiculture value chain in the Sultanate of Oman, within the framework of private public partnerships. The collaboration intends to lead to improved rural livelihoods and Omani families' well-being through strenghtening the apiculture value chain while contributing to economic diversification.

Thematic area of partnership
Production, Life
Near East and North Africa, Oman
Engagement Mechanisms
Capacity development, Knowledge and research, Advocacy and communication
Progress to date
  • A series of technical trainings and workshops were held in-house and at apiaries throughout 2022. The trainings included best apiculture practices, including the production of apiculture value-added products, pest control, quality control, bee health and biosecurity measures.
  • A training was conducted for staff of the Omani Food Safety Center and more than six private laboratories in the Sultanate to analyze pollen (Melissopalinological analysis) and honey quality with the aim of developing Omani specifications and standards for honey.
  • Five beekeepers will participate in an upcoming study tour to Italy in May 2023 that will include training on best apiculture practices. The aim is to exchange experiences and knowledge through international beekeeping cooperation.
  • 61 beehives will be distributed to 15 new beekeepers along with all the needed beekeeping equipment in May 2023. Following the distribution, trainers will accompany these beekeepers to ensure the adoption of  proper apiculture practices.
  • Support  and financial contributions provided to a project aimed to strengthen SME’s capacities for sustainable and economic apiculture in the Sultanate of Oman provided
  • A joint collaboration for improving nutrition and strengthening value chains, creating jobs and raising the standard of living of rural populations in Oman being explored

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