Companía Espanola de Financión Del Desarrollo (COFIDES S.A.)

Objective(s) of the engagement

This partnership aims to leverage investment in the agriculture sector, and enable local stakeholders to benefit either directly or indirectly from such investments. Regular consultations between FAO and COFIDES will help to identify better ways to assist beneficiaries in obtaining technical support and benefiting from investment, and to increase cooperation in training and knowledge dissemination through agribusiness symposia, conferences, seminars and workshops.

Thematic area of partnership
Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador
Engagement Mechanisms
Capacity development, Technical cooperation, Support for financing and investment
Progress to date
  • Support provided to the implementation of the Integrated Rural Reform in Colombia, in particular through financing for small producers and SMEs in value chain development
  • Engagement in policy dialogues with Government in Colombia on possible areas of engagment through FAO-COFIDES collaboration in contribution to the Integrated Rural Reform, in particular a high level meeting took place between FAO and the Minister of Post-conflict, Human Rights and Security of Colombia in 2016
  • Contribution to project proposal on ‘Improvement of livestock milk production systems, through the implementation of Climate Smart Livestock management practices, in the regions of the Sierra and Amazon of Ecuador’, specifically regarding access to financial instruments to enable dairy farmers to implement climate-smart livestock management practices in Ecuador
  • Joint advocacy activities on the  Committee on World Food Security Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS RAI), and the FAO-OECD Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chain

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