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Country Leaflet

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SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
TCP/UGA/4001 Emergency support to enhance food, nutrition and energy security among vulnerable new arrival refugee households in Kiryandongo District, Uganda 2024 2025500,000$
TCP/UGA/3902 Technical support to accelerate Agri-Food System Transformation in Uganda through the Hand-in-Hand Initiative 2023 2025350,000$
TCP/UGA/3903 Enhancing preparedness and response to plant pests and disease outbreaks 2023 2025200,000$
TCP/UGA/3904 Strengthening Uganda?s Capacity for Climate-Resilient Cocoa Value Chain Development 2023 2025250,000$
TCP/UGA/3905/C1 TCPF: Technical assessment of the strategies for containment of the animal health challenges posed by FMD 2023 2024100,000$
SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
OSRO/UGA/071/USA Global Health Security (GHS) Project: Enhancing animal health and One Health capacities to mitigate zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risks and threats in Uganda 2023 20271,250,000$
GCP /UGA/067/NOR Building Climate-Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security of Small Holder Farming Households in Teso Sub-Region in Uganda 2022 20254,677,790$
OSRO/UGA/202/NOR Achieving self-reliance of refugees through economic integration into agro-processing value chains 2022 2024408,456$
UTF /UGA/062/UGA Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People`s Republic of China in Support of the Agricultural Sector Strategic Plan in the Republic of Uganda (Phase 3) 2022 20259,623,703$
GCP /UGA/072/EC Sustainable Wood-Based Value Chains in Uganda 2024 202916,429,358$
GCP /UGA/065/NET Improving food and nutrition security, income, and livelihoods of smallholder farmers through the development of inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems in Nakasongola, Luweero, Nakaseke, Kiryandongo and Kabale Districts 2023 20243,366,337$
GCP /UGA/060/CPR Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People`s Republic of China in Support of the Agricultural Sector Strategic Plan in the Republic of Uganda (Phase 3) 2022 20253,014,434$
GCP /UGA/063/EC Forest Management and Green Charcoal Value Chain Project ( FMGCVC) 2021 20255,518,764$
GCP /UGA/058/EC FAO AgrInvest initiative in support to the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) 2020 20242,219,756$
GCP /UGA/043/LDF Integrating climate resilience into agricultural and pastoral production in Uganda, through a Farmer/Agro-pastoralist Field School Approach (FSP) 2019 20256,886,838$
GCP /UGA/054/EC Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)+Scaling up Agriculture Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda 2018 20249,109,600$
GCP /UGA/055/SWE Climate Resilient Livelihood Opportunities for Women Economic Empowerment (CRWEE) Project in Karamoja and West Nile Regions of Uganda 2018 20249,210,883$
GCP /UGA/044/GFF Food-IAP: Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Karamoja Sub Region (FSP - implemented jointly with UNDP - FAO component) 2017 20243,550,025$
UNJP/UGA/073/UNJ Strengthening Uganda`s capacity to enable sustainable, equitable, healthy and resilient food systems 2024 2025140,000$
UNJP/UGA/068/EC Improving food security and resilience of food production systems in Karamoja 2023 20263,543,502$
UNJP/UGA/061/EC Strengthening shock responsive systems in Karamoja 2020 20243,308,517$