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Country Leaflet

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SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
TCP/TIM/4001 Building coastal community resilience and better livelihoods through mangrove conservation and restoration 2025 2026331,000$
TCP/TIM/3903 Increasing rice production, profitability and sustainability to enhance food security 2024 2025202,000$
TCP/TIM/3901 Strengthening government capacities to monitor progress to the Sustainable Development Goal 2 - end hunger and improve dietary diversity through increased fish consumption 2023 2025204,000$
TCP/TIM/3902 Strengthening government capacities to find alternative options to manage invasive weeds, Fall Armyworm (FAW) and effective use of pesticide and herbicide 2023 2025320,000$
SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
EP/TIM/014/UEP Enhancing Early Warning Systems to build greater resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards in Timor-Leste (the Activities) 2022 20263,425,605$
OSRO/TIM/200/USA Transforming agri-food systems to enhance food security and resilience to crises in Timor-Leste 2022 20254,000,000$
GCP /TIM/010/GFF IkanAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste (GEF part) - FSP (FSP) 2022 20281,766,484$
GCP /TIM/012/LDF IkanAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste (LDCF part) - FSP (FSP) 2022 20282,649,726$