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СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/IND/3906 Establishing pathways to integrate nutritional and therapeutic potential of non-bovine milk 2024 2025216,000$
TCP/IND/4001 TCPF: Strengthening nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in India by piloting and rolling out the FAO `ENACT` course on nutrition education to academic institutions 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/IND/3903 Enhancing livestock keepers` incomes through certification for milk and dairy products to increase market access in selected sites 2023 2025169,000$
TCP/IND/3904/C2 TCPF: Support to developing protocols for quality planting material and certification of nurseries for timber and non-timber agroforestry species 2023 2025100,000$
TCP/IND/3905 Support for quality seed of local landraces/farmers` varieties (LRs/FVs) through community-managed seed systems (CMSS) in Odisha and other rainfed areas 2023 2025213,000$
TCP/IND/3902/C1 TCPF: Support for improved monitoring of sustainable agriculture 2023 2024100,000$
TCP/IND/3901 Building capacity of policy makers to mobilize investment for resilient and low emission agri-foods in India under Article 6 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement & Voluntary Carbon Markets 2022 2025232,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
OSRO/IND/203/USA Immediate technical assistance for animal health systems to address emerging and priority zoonotic diseases and health threats (India component) 2023 20271,200,000$
GCP /IND/202/PAF Animal Health Security Strengthening in India for Pandemic Preparedness and Response 2024 20264,673,000$
GCP /IND/11228P/GFF Transforming Andhra Pradesh aquaculture to a sustainable, reduced footprint and climate resilient fo (PPG) 2024 2025300,000$
GCP /IND/184/GFF Promotion of Sustainable Food Systems in India through Transforming Rice-Wheat Systems in Punjab, Haryana, Odisha and Chhattisgarh (FSP) 2023 202820,366,973$
GCP /IND/189/GCR Agriculture Sector Readiness for enhanced climate finance at sub-national level in India (GCF RP) 2023 2026921,659$
GCP /IND/183/GFF Green-Agriculture: Transforming Indian agriculture for global environmental benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and forest landscapes (FSP) 2019 202633,558,716$
UNJP/IND/201/UNJ Enhancing resilience to climate change of migrant & vulnerable households in the coastal areas India 2023 20261,800,000$