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Country Leaflet

СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/TUK/3902 Development of aquafeed value chain and aquatic animal health management capacity 2023 2025120,000$
TCP/TUK/3903/C1 TCPF: Developing digital solutions for sustainable pasture management 2023 2025100,000$
TCP/TUK/3904 Enhancing Capacities for Climate-Resilient Water Management 2023 2025150,000$
TCP/TUK/3901 Support to the establishment of digital Land Cadastre 2023 2024300,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
GCP /TUK/11384P/GFF Catalysing Nature-Positive transformation of agriculture in Turkmenistan for enhanced resilience (PPG) 2024 2025150,000$
GCP /TUK/002/GCR Improving the capacity of Turkmenistan to access climate finance through capacity building and strategic frameworks 2023 2025642,825$
GCP /TUK/11070P/GFF Strengthening the capacity of Turkmenistan to comply with the ETF under the Paris Agreement (PPG) 2023 202450,000$