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Country Leaflet

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СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/BZE/4001 Support the revision of the National Rural Development Strategy, with focus on the coconut sector 2024 2026210,000$
TCP/BZE/4002 Community Engagement of the Coastal Zone and Fisheries Sector of Belize Through CCA and DRM Capacity Building 2024 2026200,000$
TCP/BZE/4003 Increasing accessibility and acceptance of underutilized nutritious locally grown products in the national school feeding programs of Belize. 2024 2026200,000$
TCP/BZE/3902 Digital agriculture services for a sustainable and inclusive agri-food system and value chains. 2023 2025250,000$
TCP/BZE/3901 Belize Agriculture Sector Policy with focus on Seed, Back Yard Poultry, Marketing and Indigenous Territories 2023 2024200,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
GCP /BZE/001/GFF Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Belize?s Maya Golden Landscape (FSP) 2023 20271,449,708$