FAO maintains records of the conversion factors used by the national authorities through a questionnaire, FISHSTAT CF1, on which the national authorities are requested to indicate the appropriate conversion factors. This is not an annual questionnaire but is distributed on...
CWP Member Organizations' use various instruments for the collection of capture fishery and aquaculture data from the national authorities including the STATLANT system of questionnaires. This system was introduced by CWP in the early 1960s and pioneered the use of...
STATPAC questionnaires cover the reporting of annual catch data, requesting a breakdown of catches by species and selected FAO major fishing area in the Southeast Pacific Ocean.
In addition, the FISHSTAT questionnaires are used by FAO and other CWP Members...
Data collection
Data on fishery fleet are collected by means of the statistical questionnaire FISHSTAT FF. Form FF1 is used for the collection of data on decked vessels, whereas form FF2 is intended for undecked vessels for which the most important...