STATPAC questionnaires cover the reporting of annual catch data, requesting a breakdown of catches by species and selected FAO major fishing area in the Southeast Pacific Ocean.
In addition, the FISHSTAT questionnaires are used by FAO and other CWP Members...
FAO major fishing areas for statistical purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various considerations, including
the boundary of natural regions and the natural divisions of oceans and seas...
Major fishing areas
The major fishing areas, inland and marine, are listed below by two-digit codes and their names. To access maps and description of boundaries of each fishing area click on the relevant item in the list below or in...
Recognizing the need for areal breakdown, the CWP has suggested that a graticule-based system could be used throughout the globe and has recommended that the quadrangles (also called rectangles or squares) be coded and identified according to the following standard...
Coding of graticule system for identifying statistical quadrangles
Format of the code identifying statistical quadrangles
Article 8 of the Informal Composite Negotiating Text / Revision 2 (A/CONF.62/WP.10/Rev. 2, 11 April 1980) of the United Nations Third Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) assigns a specific meaning to the term internal waters as part...
For the purpose of reporting national capture fisheries statistics, catch and landings are assigned to the country of the flag flown by the fishing vessel. However, the CWP recommends that this may be over-ridden if one of the following arrangements...