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Video sharing results of the MilkIT project in Uttarakhand (India). The project was funded by IFAD.
This film tells the story of Sheha Saidi, a dairy farmer from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, who shares her experiences of the differences between keeping dairy cattle in the city...
This is the story of Faustina Akyoo, a dairy farmer from Tanga in Tanzania, who talks about the benefits of dairying and being a member of the Tanga Dairy...
The video is describing the approach and results from a Smallholder Dairy Development Programme in Thailand, Myanmar, and Bangladesh.  
La Laiterie du Berger produit les yaourts Dolima.Ce sont les seuls produits laitiers à base de lait collecté auprès des éleveurs du Sénégal.Bon pour moi, bon pour mon...
Lemateki -- contraction de "Lekk, Magg, Tekki" (Manger, Grandir, Réussir) -- est un programme porté par l'ONG sénégalaise Enda Graf Sahel, en partenariat avec La Laiterie du Berger, le Ministère...
Kenya Dairy obtaining quality milk
Kenya Dairy obtaining quality milk
Kenya Dairy working through groups
Kenya Dairy working through groups
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