44th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission Opening Remarks
by Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
44th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
Opening Remarks
Dr. QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
As prepared
8 November 2021
Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. The work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission offers the technical support to the food safety and fair trade.
2. Today, nearly one-tenth of the world population – about 811 million people are hungry, and healthy diets are out of reach for about 3 billion people.
3. The major global challenges we face together on food security, sustainability, improving livelihoods, inequalities and our response to the climate crises call for well-functioning agri-food systems.
4. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, through our new Strategic Framework 2022-2031, is leading the transformation of agri-food systems to meet our global commitment to the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs.
5. FAO, together with other UN sister’s agencies, will coordinate implementation of the follow up actions of the UN Food Systems Summit.
6. This will be a critical process to ensure that all people have, and will continue to have, sufficient access to safe and nutritious food.
7. Food safety is a cross-cutting goal in FAO’s new Strategic Framework and will ensure that food safety is a key component of the changes and innovations to transform agri-food systems.
8. Food safety is critical for food security, for access to international trade, and for achieving the SDGs.
9. Recognizing the importance of food safety, the FAO Ministerial Conference in June this year endorsed increased funding levels for FAO’s food safety scientific advice program for the next biennium.
Dear Colleagues,
10. Codex food standards lay strong foundation to foods that we grow, produce, process, trade and consume are safe.
11. When doubts emerged about the risks from COVID-19 in food, FAO together with WHO, through Codex, provided quick, professional and technical guidance to producers, businesses and consumers.
12. The pandemic highlighted the crucial cross-cutting role of agri-food systems, and highlighted the importance of working in an integrated manner across disciplines and with all stakeholders.
13. Above all, it highlighted the critical role of all workers across the agri-food value chain who continued to work in difficult circumstances to ensure we all had food to eat – the Food Heroes!
14. Furthermore, Codex standards on food hygiene and on good agricultural and manufacturing practices were critical in supporting food distribution during the pandemic, helping to ensure food security.
15. By harnessing the latest technology, Codex continues to be the global platform to develop food safety and quality standards that protect consumers and facilitate good practices in food trade.
16. Codex’s work on electronic certification and third-party assurance will contribute to making trade documentation more efficient and secure, and setting the benchmark for food safety in global food market.
17. Through the One Health approach, FAO is committed to supporting Members achieve healthy, efficient, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems,
18. Including through the contribution of Codex to the management of the risks posed by foodborne diseases from production to consumption, and by assisting governments with monitoring and surveillance programs.
19. Working collectively and in an integrated manner is vital.
20. And Codex is a leading example of the power of effective and efficient partnerships.
21. I wish to recognize the commitment of the many experts who deliver scientific advice, which is at the basis of food safety standards.
22. And to convey appreciation to the outgoing Chair and Vice-Chair of the Codex Commission for their valuable contribution to the work of the Committee.
23. Let us continue to work together, effectively and coherently on food safety standards for the world to achieve MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems,
24. For better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all, leaving no one behind!
25. I wish you a productive and fruitful 44th session.
26. Thank you