By Thembani Malapela In brief AI and Machine Learning technologies could transform the agri-food systems and help ending hunger. UN-Wide System is adopting the Artificial Intelligence in its programmes. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is adopting and experimenting with AI and Machine Learning across the agriculture domain. FAO is also aware of the impact of AI and is now a signatory to the " Rome Call for AI Ethics " Introduction In 2017, l wrote a blog on whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve agricultural productivit y and at that time, the...
SciDevNet opines that the use of ICT tools is helping smallholders access farm inputs and increase yields. The article reviews a project in Uganda that is using ICTs to empower smallholder farmers. The situation : A major problem that has been confronting the two Ugandan smallholders – who epitomise the struggles of many in Sub-Saharan Africa – is the lack of adequate information on best farming practices such as when and how to plant that could lead to increased productively, more income from their produce and better livelihoods. But a project in Uganda that uses information and...
The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture is where information becomes power: power to predict, prescribe, and produce more food, more sustainably. It aims to democratize decades of agricultural data empowering analysts, statisticians, programmers and more to mine information for trends and...
Tuesday, September 11,2018 7-8a.m PT|10-11 am ET| 3-4 pm GMT|4-5 pm CET Scale is a big topic when discussing ICT4D, M4D, mHealth, ICT4Ag, ICT4E, etc. Reaching scale can be approached from different angles—by focusing on simple, turnkey solutions, or within a program. Either way, the aim is to apply...
Location specific and timely advice to improve productivity and climate resilience among smallholder farmers Farmers in developing countries have a challenge of accessing localized weather data. Recently the e-Agriculture Team at FAO and aWhere published a Promising Practice that explains how aWhere can provide weather-based data and tips for smallholder farmers. aWhere delivers agricultural intelligence to farmers, crop consultants and researchers all over the world. How does aWhere achieve this? “The company aims at making agronomic and weather data available to farmers through...
The regional conference seeks to help farmers and other value chain actors to harness the benefits of technology and data, and drive the adoption of these digital tools by farmers. It bring together end users, service providers, disseminators, regulators, policy formulators, and technology...
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations projects that by 2050 humanity’s ranks will likely have grown to nearly 10 billion people. Farmers will need to produce more with less, while preserving our environment for future generations. And society has a duty to help them...
Check out the latest case study on Dgroups: Using Dgroups to scale up online networking and communication in the Rural Water Supply Network. This item is based on an in-depth interview of Sean Furey (Skat/RWSN) by Saskia Harmsen. It includes a 4-page PDF and a video and full transcript of the interview . This case study describes why RWSN has chosen to use Dgroups as their main tool for communicating with partners and clients all over the world. It explains how they’ve been using Dgroups and what results it helped the network achieve. Finally, it presents the key lessons learned by RWSN on...
Wikifarmer is the greatest user generated online farming library. Its mission is to help all farmers across the globe to find valuable information regarding their existing or potential crops and livestock. Through the information it provides, Wikifarmer aims to give practical solutions to farmers. Contributions can be provided from professional or amateur farmers, beekepers, gardeners and professors sharing their knowledge and best practices. Users can submit a new article, edit an existing article, add pictures or videos, request a new article, ask a question about a related issue, or just...
Livelihoods Asia Summit 2017 Date December 13 and 14, 2017 Location New Delhi, India Description Now in its 7th year of execution, the Livelihoods Asia Summit 2017 learning will be held in New Delhi between December 13 and 14, 2017. This is a unique platform established to facilitate south south...