
Introduce Yourself- Welcome and Introductions

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Baanda Dr. Baanda A. Salim
Baanda Dr. Baanda A. SalimSokoine University of AgricultureTanzania

I am Dr. Baanda A. Salim, a Senior Lecturer in Information and Electrical Technologies at the Sokoine University of Agriculture at Morogoro, Tanzania.

Francis Kachala
Francis KachalaEuropean Union Delegation to MalawiMalawi

I am Francis Kachala Library Assitant with Chancellor College Library of the University of Malawi.

Dr. Devendra Kumar Punia
Dr. Devendra Kumar PuniaFORE School of ManagementIndia

I am Dr Devendra Kumar Punia, Associate Professor at FORE School of Management, New Delhi in IT area. I have worked on Agriculture Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of Government of India for Ministry of Agriculture. I have worked in IT & E-Governance area for last 14 years. I am also working on e-governance in Urban Sector in a DFID funded Government of Bihar project.

Jo Cadilhon
Jo CadilhonILRIKenya

Hi Lisa, Thanks for your welcome message. Hello to all. I'm Jo Cadilhon. I've been working for the past four years at FAO's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific as Marketing Officer (Quality Improvement). So I can contribute expertise on how agricultural value chains work to this discussion, if needed. However, I've only recently started exploring ICT tools to support my technical work so I look forward to be more on the learning side in this forum. I facilitate a D-group on linking smallholder farmers to dynamic markets: [url=]http://dgroups.org/Community.aspx?c=7233a2e1-1b39-407f-8479-296fa57edf28... Best wishes, Jo

Leisa Armstrong
Leisa ArmstrongEdith Cowan UniversityAustralia

Hi everyone, I am Leisa Armstrong from Perth Australia. I am a Computer Science lecturer, with a background as as Cereal Agronomy research. I now have developed a keen interest in the the use of ICT to faciilitate the dessimination of information to farmers in order to improve agricultural productivity. I am also interested the use of data mining and other ict tools and mobile technologies in assisting farmers to make decisions. I am interested to see what ideas will be expressed in the forum.

Hi Lisa, I am Carlos Zárate, a consultant of agro-processing technologies and energy systems for rural develoment and also working on ICT4Development, focussing on the use of FOSS. I am glad to participate in this forum and to share with you.

Benjamin Kwasi Addom
Benjamin Kwasi AddomThe Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)Netherlands

I am Benjamin K Addom, a PhD Candidate at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies, USA. I am currently doing my dissertation research fieldwork in Ghana that is exploring the role of ICTs in facilitating communication between and among agricultural researchers and local farmers who are the knowledge generators; and agricultural extension agents and other intermediary organizations that are working between the knowledge generators. I look forward to meeting most of you soon. Ben

Hello everybody, The name is Rabiu Auwalu Yakasai, farmers' consultant working on commercial agriculture with Kura Smallholder Farmers' Cooperative Society, Kano State Nigeria. Operation base is Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP), over 22,000 hectares of surface irrigation structured into smallholder plots that belong to individual farmers for vegetables and rice production. In the struggle to assist the farmers to over come challenges of lack of commercial farm extension; lack of quality farm inputs from reputable sources, poor quality produce, up to 40% post harvest losses of perishable produce, poor market price etc, amid the ICT global trend, I designed an ICT-based approach of communicating Internet information in utilizable format to the farmers. Called the RURAL DIGITAL BRIDGE (RDB); the aim is to expose smallholder farm producers to universal sources of required information that has potential to improve their occupation. RDB is an outcome of study I conducted in two major agricultural production areas on smallholder farmers' connectivity for contactivity. Tangible results of pilot RDB activities include farmer participatory processing tomato variety trial and improvement of Moringa Oleifera value chains in Nigeria. RDB abstract attached herewith and full version of the study (A Study of Rural Internet Connectivity Situation To Guide Strategies for Access to Internet Information by Smallholder Farmers In Rural Kano State, Nigeria -pdf) sent to [email protected] I look forward to share and learn more ideas from the forum.

Sonigitu Ekpe-Aji
Sonigitu Ekpe-AjiMinitry of International Development CooperationNigeria

Hello All ! The name is Sonigitu Ekpe from Cross River State, Nigeria. I currently work with the State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources as the Customer Care / Complaints Officer. I have created awareness in the rural areas on the importance of ICT in agricultural & gender role in food security and sustainable agricultural practices. ICT tools are great tools to reform people with access. I will be glad to share on the learning side of this forum. Thank you

Hi, I am Muhammad Irfan Kasana from Pakistan, working with Pakistan's first Commodity Exchange "National Commodity Exchange Limited" as Manager Research & Product Development & Operations. Core objectives to provide an Online Future Trading Platform wher farmers can directly trade what ever they produce right from there farm gate a true implementation of ICT. I have also developed the largest Agriculture web portal in Pakistan http://www.pakissan.com with more than 7000 subscribers and 2300 active forum members aiming "Connecting Agric-Community for better farming" We are at the moment working on E-Village concept and had already organized successfull conferences with in 3 provinces out of 4 in Pakistan. Follow us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=185839181212 . Here we are striving for ICT & Associated Technologies to the door step of our rural community not only for Agriculture development but for Education, Health, and Social Activities.