
FAO in Egypt

The FAO Representation to the Arab Republic of Egypt opened in 1978. Over the past years, the Organization has participated in a large range of agricultural and rural development activities targeting Egypt’s specific needs. FAO’s support includes strategy, policy and institutional development, promotion of good agricultural practices and South-South Cooperation. The Organization has also taken the lead in supporting investments agriculture. More...

FAO Priorities in Egypt

FAO assistance in Egypt is shaped by the 2023 - 2027 FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF), which is centered on three Government priority areas: Strengthened human capital through equal access to quality services, social protection and social justice ensured for all people, Enhanced people-centred inclusive, sustainable and environmental economic development driven by productivity growth, decent jobs, digitalisation and integrating the informal economy, and Enhanced climate resilience and efficiency of natural resource for all people in a sustainable environment. More...

Private sector roundtable on climate action in Egypt's livestock and dairy sectors

FAO organized a roundtable with the Egyptian dairy industry in Cairo to discuss the impacts of climate change and to discuss how joint action can enable...

Global Health Security Program for enhancing prevention, detection and response to emerging, re-emerging and endemic zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance threats in Egypt - Project Highlights - OSRO/EGY/100/USA

The United States Agency for International Developed contributed USD 1 640 000 to FAO’s project entitled “Global Health Security Program for enhancing...

Modernization of irrigation techniques to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Upper Egypt

The project on Modernization of irrigation techniques to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Upper Egypt aims at improving the livelihoods...

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FAO Representation in Egypt

11 El-Eslah El-Zerai St. Dokki, Giza, Egypt

Email: [email protected]

Tel.: (+202) 33375029

SCALA Programme building resilience in the Egyptian livestock and dairy sector

The video demonstrates the different activities that the SCALA Programme, that is co-led by FAO and UNDP, implemented to build resilience in the Egyptian...

Soha & Fatma: Success Story as FFS Facilitators with Japanese project to enhance water productivity

This video is highlighting the success story of two women facilitators of Farmer Field School at a village in Minya Governorate, Soha and Fatma, under...

Private sector roundtable on climate adaptation and mitigation in the Egyptian livestock subsectors

The roundtable discussion meeting organized under the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development...

FAYDIAH, Success story feature

Egypt is considered one of the countries that heavily rely on agriculture as a primary source of income and employment, where the agricultural sector...

Improving Livelihoods, Nutrition, and Empowerment for Rural Women and their Families in Minya, Egypt

Funded by the Canadian government in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the project supports and empowers Egyptian female smallholder...