Technical projects and field studies
The Technical projects and field studies initiative, previously Fund for Applied Research (FAR) was launched in 2008 by the EuFMD to support small-scale projects, specific and evidence generation activities that can be used within the EuFMD’s work programmes.
The thematic priorities are identified at the EuFMD General Sessions, and by the Standing Technical Committee.
The EuFMD Standing Technical Committee and Special Committee on Risk Monitoring, Integrated Surveillance and Applied Research (SCRISAR) are involved in the review and selection processes of Calls.
Competitive calls for projects have been issued on a regular basis and awarded to non-profit, intergovernmental, or governmental organization (i.e. providing non-commercial services).
From 2019 to 2023, the EuFMD issued five calls: three global and two for South-East Europe. Learn more in the archive section.