منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa

This volume, Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa, demonstrates the possibility of harmonizing agricultural production with the wellbeing of the biosphere – and that this can be achieved in Africa, our biosphere’s least developed continent, and the continent which is likely to suffer most from climate change. The work presented in this volume stems from a Conference on Ecological Agriculture held in Ethiopia in 2008. Through the discussions held during this Conference and field visits to Tigray, a region struck by hunger in the eighties and largely food secure today, participants shared insights on Africa’s potential for intensifying its agriculture through a better use of natural resources and ecosystem services. This volume represents the collective knowledge and subsequent writings of this Conference’ participants. 

الناشر: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
المؤلف: Lim Li Ching
مؤلفين آخرين: Sue Edwards, Nadia El-Hage Scialabba
السنة: 2011
ISBN: 978-92-5-106876-2
النوع: كتاب
النص الكامل متاح على: http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/i2230e/i2230e.pdf
لغة المحتوى: English

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