Family Farming Knowledge Platform

First Mapping Report of agroecology initiatives in the Europe

This mapping report is an overview of how agroecology is understood by different citizens (policymakers, farmers, members civil society, researchers, and consumers) and a rich collection of a variety of existing national agroecology initiatives that are vital, productive, and ready to pave the way for an agroecological transition of agriculture in the European context. The objective of the report was to identify agroecological initiatives in 11 European countries, such as Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom, across the three pillars of practice, science and social movements. This study was conducted by the Agroecology Europe Youth Network (AEEUYN) supported by the board of Agroecology Europe

Author: Agroecology Europe Youth Network
Organization: Agroecology Europe Youth Network, Agroecology Europe
Year: 2020
Country/ies: European Union
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Report
Content language: English

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