Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Agroecological practices as territorial development: an analytical schema from Brazilian case studies

Agroecological practices have been widely promoted as an alternative to the hegemonic agri-food system, yet they also can help to ‘green’ the system. To strengthen a transformative agroecology, Latin American activists have promoted the concept desenvolvimento territorial rural (DTR or rural territorial development), which has different versions. The dominant version advocates broad multi-actor coalitions to strengthen DTR and thus benefit poor people, yet this obscures rival territorial agendas. An antagonistic version instead analyses how capital accumulation drives societal conflicts, contingently resulting in DTR trajectories. Here an analytical schema helps identify how agroecological practices are appropriated for diverse trajectories of territorial development, illustrated by Brazilian agroforestry case studies.

Title of publication: The Journal of Peasant Studies
Volume: 48
Issue: 4
ISSN: 0306-6150
Author: Les Levidow, Davis Sansolo and Monica Schiavinatto
Organization: The Journal of Peasant Studies
Year: 2019
Country/ies: Brazil
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Journal article
Content language: English

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