Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Agroecology plus six (AE+6)

More than 12 million small-scale farmers and their families in the risk-prone, dryland areas of the Western Sahel have become chronically vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity. This growing crisis is due to a constellation of factors, including the collapse of soil fertility and climate change. Agroecology Plus Six (AE+6) is a low cost, systems-approach of agroecology and resilience strategies, which can spread and be adapted to meet the needs of millions of smallholder farming families.

Организация: Groundswell International
Год: 2018
Страна/страны: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Информационный сборник
Язык контента: English

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