منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية


يتضمّن القسم الخاص عن "المراجع" أرشيف المطبوعات والوسائط الإعلامية المتعددة المتصلة بمسائل عامة تتعلق بالزراعة الأسرية.

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الفلاحة الطبيعية : التويزة

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2016 - Terre et Humanisme

مقال صحفي
Performing an Invisibility Spell: Global Models, Food Regimes and Smallholders

The present construction of global representations of food and farming is problematic. For example, how can we ‘know’ the world needs to double food production even though we cannot foresee a food crisis? How can we estimate investment opportunities while failing to quantify their impacts on smallholders? Global models constrain...

دراسة حالة
Dairy farm with processing department and energy production unit from renewable sources in Dâmboviţa County, Nucet, Romania

The dairy farm is located in Nucet, Dâmbovița County in the south of the Sub-Carpathians, between the plains and the southern hills. The region has a rich agricultural heritage for growing vegetables (64% of total production) and livestock (34%). In 2016 19,170 dairy cows were registered in the county, yet only...

Alternative fodder production to increase profitability of livestock production

This practice describes the use of hydroponic technology (soil-less plant propagation), in the form of green fodder, as an alternative method of sustainable feed production. It addresses decreased access to grazing land. This provides herders and their cooperatives with a low-cost, high quality, sustainable source of fodder which is available...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

What Future for our Farming Systems?

Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions
This conference will seek to encourage debate on the benefits to be gained from more sustainable resource use and greater integration of different land uses on lowland and upland farming systems. It will present the best possible scientific understanding of the complexities associated with how best to achieve such an...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Scotland’s Rural College

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
National dialogue fortifies Ukraine’s milk industry

Despite political and economic turbulence and global milk prices dropping to an all-time low, Ukraine’s commercial dairy industry has made impressive strides in recent years, producing higher-quality milk and tapping into new markets abroad. Thanks to an active Ukrainian Dairy Sector Working Group, created in 2013 by the country’s dairy industry...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Short-Term Outlook for EU arable crops, dairy and meat markets in 2016 and 2017

The slowdown in the economic growth of developing economies, although partially compensated by a recovery in developed countries, contributes to the general decline in commodity prices, including in oversupplied crude oil. Depreciation in some competing currencies limits the competitive advantage of the euro at 1.10 EUR/USD. In 2016, milk deliveries...
2016 - European Commission - Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

مقالة إخبارية
Post‐conference report for the 13th Eurasian Grassland Conference 2016 in Sighisoara, Romania

Between the 20th and 24th of September 2016, 85 participants from 25 countries met in Sighisoara in Southern Transylvania for the 13th annual conference of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group. In contrast to the previous 12 “EDGM, European Dry Grassland Meetings”, this year it was decided to change the name...
2016 - ADEPT Foundation

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
Selo da Agricultura Familiar chega a 1.500 permissionários

Um dos principais instrumentos de valorização e reconhecimento do trabalho dos agricultores familiares, o Selo de Identificação da Participação da Agricultura Familiar (Sipaf) ultrapassou as metas estipuladas para o ano de 2016. Até agora, já foram emitidos mais de 300 selos, número acima do registrado em todo o ano passado,...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

13 éclairages pour comprendre le financement rural et agricole

Zoom microfinance n. 48
SOS Faim édite Zoom Microfinance depuis 15 ans. L’occasion d’aborder de nombreuses thématiques sur lesquelles il est possible de porter à la fois un regard rétrospectif et prospectif avec le prisme du financement rural et agricole. C’est ce que nous vous proposons dans cette publication. Quels défis ? Défis politiques,...
2016 - SOS Faim

Organizações femininas do RN viram exemplo para o Mercosul

El intercambio de Promoción de la autonomía y la igualdad de las mujeres rurales reunió a representantes de siete países en Río Grande do Norte. El encuentro está promovido por la REAF y financiado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario.
2016 - Reunión Especializada

Los virus de las abejas

Las enfermedades de virus de las abejas se extienden por todo el mundo. Por lo general son infravaloradas por los apicultores: pueden causar graves pérdidas económicas si se asocian con otras enfermedades de las abejas. La Varroa destructor ha contribuido en gran medida a aumentar la incidencia de enfermedades virales....
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

مقال صحفي
L’agriculture périurbaine à Oran (Algérie) : diversification et stratégies d’adaptation

Oran, ville méditerranéenne dynamique et seconde agglomération algérienne, a évolué selon un processus d’urbanisation diffuse. Ses franges rurales périurbaines, aux contours flous, lieux d’importantes transformations, sont actuellement des espaces de production agricole. Une redéfinition de l’agriculture périurbaine s’opère par des initiatives individuelles qui se traduisent par une diversification agricole : développement...
2016 - Université d'Oran

مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
The EU has announced new actions to respond to the El Niño and food security crisis in the Horn of Africa

Four new actions worth €66.5 million will be funded under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa to address the destructive impacts of the El Niño phenomenon in the Horn of Africa region, such as floods and droughts.
2016 - EuropeAid

جزء من تقرير

In the EU-28, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) was 174 million ha in 2013. France had the largest agricultural area (28 million ha) covering 16% of the total UAA in Europe, followed by Spain (23 million ha) and the UK (17 million ha). 71 % of the total agricultural...
2016 - European Commission - DG Agriculture and Rural Development

وقائع مؤتمرات
2016 International Conference on Pulses: Conference program & abstract book

The International Conference on Pulses for Health, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture in Drylands was held on the occasion of the 2016 International Year of Pulses to provide a platform to various stakeholders, including scientists, policy-makers, extension workers, traders and entrepreneurs, to discuss the various contributions of pulses to food and nutritional security and ecosystem...
2016 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

الفلاحة الطبيعية : الحديقة المصغرة

No description available
2016 - Terre et Humanisme

Primera Convocatoria proyecto "Más allá del AIAF 2014: apoyo a Comités Nacionales de la Agricultura Familiar CCNNAF"

Convocatoria a iniciativas de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (representativas de la Agricultura Familiar) enmarcadas en el proyecto “Más allá del AIAF 2014: apoyo a Comités Nacionales de la Agricultura Familiar CCNNAF”. El proyecto de apoyo a los CCNNAF es implementado por el Foro Rural Mundial (FRM), en consorcio con el...

صحيفة وقائع
INIAP Ñusta nueva variedad. Nueva variedad de cebada de grano descubierto para el Sur del Ecuador

El INIAP desarrolló una nueva variedad de cebada para la zona sur del Ecuador con 13% de proteína y un rendimiento promedio de 4,38 de toneladas por hectárea, presenta tolerancia a roya amarilla, roya de la hoja, escaldadura y el enanismo. El nombre ñusta deriva de la palabra en kichua...
2016 - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP)

Inspirational Ideas - Pulses- superfood for the future

2016 is the UN’s year of the pulse. Watch the video from the FAO then read the article below to find out about how innnovations in food products using pulses, such as ‘pulled oat’ or faba bean yoghurt, combined with the results of research to improve their productivity, means that...
2016 - EIP Agri
Total results:21704