Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Document de travail
Policies and Institutions to Support Smallholder Agriculture

In the developing world, smallholders form the backbone of the agricultural sector and their importance in rural areas is almost uniform across countries. There is no unique and unambiguous definition of a smallholder. Often scale, measured in terms of the farm size is used to classify producers. For example, households...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
The World of Community Supported Agriculture

All the way around the world in countries as diverse as the United States, Japan, France, China or Mali, people who farm and people who eat are forming communities around locally grown food. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Teikei, AMAP, Reciproco, ASC – the names may be different but the essence...
2010 - URGENCI

Document de conférence
Family farming under pressure: reassessing options for liveability and permanence - An overview

Building sustainable future of rural areas requires more sustainable farming systems with better working conditions for farmers. Liveability is defined as the characteristics of the systems which satisfy farmers' expectations with respect to farming and relations with family and other activities. Farmers expectations of farming conditions are diverse, and deal...
2010 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Article de blog
Les origines et l’évolution de l’agriculture soutenue par la communauté

l’initiative d’Alliance Provence, une rencontre a été organisée entre des représentants des réseaux Equiterre, Urgenci, Alliance PEC Rhône-Alpes et Alliance Provence. Cette rencontre a permis de revenir sur les origines de l’Agriculture soutenue par la communauté (traduction française littérale des Community Supported Agriculture américaines), et la façon dont le modèle...
2010 - URGENCI

Mulheres na Reforma Agrária

A experiência recente no Brasil
Neste livro estão reunidos diversos artigos acadêmicos e de gestoras publicas que buscam problematizar a presença das mulheres na reforma agrária no Brasil. Estudos quantitativos e qualitativos que abordam aspectos fundiários, da produção e reprodução, das relações familiares, das lutas sociais dos movimentos sociais do campo e o das políticas...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA)

Africa’s smallholder farmers

Approaches that work for viable livelihoods
Most Africans depend on small-scale farming systems as the primary source of their livelihoods. Yet they are marginalized and often do not produce enough to enable their families to have sufficient food to eat throughout the year. Smallholder farmers are also particularly vulnerable to climatic and economic shocks. Despite these...
2010 - African Smallholder Farmers Group (ASFG)

História das agriculturas no mundo

do neolítico à crise contemporânea
O livro, de autoria dos professores franceses Marcel Mazoyer e Laurence Roudart, foi traduzido e publicado pela Editora da UNESP e Núcleo de Estudos Agrários e Desenvolvimento Rural do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (NEAD-MDA), em 2010. Segundo o engenheiro agrônomo Felipe Gavioli (2011), o livro se inscreve nos denominados Estudos de...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil

Modern Day Problems Of Small Scale Farmers In India

Thousands of small scale farmers in India commit duicide, because they can no longer solve their debt problems. Two decades ago they took up modern farming and with the help of government subsidies they started growing commercial crops. In the beginning harvests were good, but as time went on, the...
2010 - rosaryfilms

Article de revue spécialisée
Estrategias de productores familiares en contextos socio‐ productivos adversos

La fruticultura familiar en el noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
En este artículo se analizan las estrategias encaradas por productores familiares en un área no prototípica de la región pampeana en la cual se ha difundido la fruticultura como actividad trabajo-intensiva principalmente orientada al mercado interno, que ha desarrollado encadenamientos locales y un mercado de trabajo estacional. Tal actividad experimenta...
2010 - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Research to impact: case studies for natural resource management for irrigated rice in Asia

Rice is the staple food of about half of the world’s population, the majority of which is located in Asia. Rice supplies as much as 80% of the daily caloric intake of the teeming population of Asia, where two-thirds of the world’s impoverished population lives. It is estimated that 2.3...
Viet Nam
2010 - International Rice Research Institute

Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel

Inclusão Social e Desenvolvimento Territorial
O Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel (PNPB) é um programa interministerial que tem como objetivo a implementação da cadeia de produção do biodiesel no Brasil. As principais diretrizes do programa são: • implantar um programa sustentável, promovendo inclusão social através da geração de renda e emprego; • garantir...
2010 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Agriculture Final

"Capacity Challenges in Post-crisis and Transitional Situations . India and Sri Lanka"
India - Sri Lanka

Fiche d'information
Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools

The junior farmer field and life school concept was introduced in four schools in the district in 2004. Then, as the fields prospered and participating students and facilitators became more confident, teachers and students from other schools were invited to visit the fields and learn about the method. As of...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools inventory

The programme was piloted in Mozambique in 2003-2004 and JFFLSchools have been implemented since then in: Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, Ghana, Gaza & West Bank, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Rwanda, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe (foreseen next: Burundi, Congo and Rwanda). Programme evaluations have been undertaken in various countries:...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de revue spécialisée
Uso de camas profundas en los sistemas de engorde de cerdos en el sector campesino en Cuba

Se evaluó la tecnología de cama profunda como alternativa para el engorde de cerdos en el sector campesino en Cuba. Realizándose 2 ciclos de crianza de 106 días con 108 animales cada uno (hembras y machos castrados), de la raza Yorkshire Landrace YL (Camborough), de aproximadamente 21,0 kg de peso...
2010 - Instituto de Investigaciones Porcinas (IIP)

African Smallholders - Foodcrops, Markets and Policies

This study was presented during the conference “Production and Carbon Dynamics in Sustainable Agricultural and Forest Systems in Africa ” held in September, 2010.
2010 - SIANI

Pastoralisme méditerranéen: patrimoine culturel et paysager et développement durable

Actes de la deuxième réunion thématique d’experts sur le pastoralisme méditerranéen, 12-14 novembre 2009 –Tirana (Albanie)
Le pastoralisme est une des pratiques les plus anciennes de l’activité humaine. Il produit des paysages spécifiques, à la fois par la marque qu'il imprime au territoire et par les traditions culturelles matérielles et immatérielles qui leur sont associées. Exposé à des mutations profondes dans certaines régions, en voie de...
2010 - CIHEAM (Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes)

Document technique
Calidad de suelos en una situación de producción de cerdos sobre pastoreo

Actualmente en nuestro país se están tomando medidas que fomentan y exigen un desarrollo sustentable en el manejo de los suelos del país. A lo largo de la historia hubo períodos de expansión agrícola que fueron acompañados de severa degradación de los suelos, llegando inclusive a dejar grandes áreas inutilizadas...
2010 - Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Facultad de Agronomía

Four Acres and Independence - A Self-Sufficient Farmstead

Take a tour, accompanied by curious sheep and geese, of Mark Cooper's self-sufficient small farm. Over several years, he transformed a rundown house and hillsides of berry brambles into pasture and gardens where he produces and preserves most of his family's food. Visit the Goose Grotto in a constructed pond,...
European Union

Lil’ Farm: The Art Of Small Scale Farming

Lil' Farm is located in Orange County, NC and owned and operated by George O'Neil with the help of a handful of volunteers.
United States of America
Total results:3078