Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de revue
Faciliter l’accès à des intrants de qualité : la stratégie du PADER-BGN pour renforcer l’autonomie semencière des paysans de Basse Guinée Nord

 Description de l’initiative et des effets du PADER-BGN, un projet initié en octobre 2004 et  mis en œuvre en Guinée dans deux régions administratives (Boké et Kindia), cinq préfectures (Boffa, Boké, Fria, Dubréka et Télimelé) et 26 Communes Rurales. Par cette initiative de multiplication et de diffusion de semences de riz,...
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)

Article de revue spécialisée
What drives technology utilization, learning and transfer in agriculture?

Lessons from Nigerian women farmers
This study examines the factors that drive technology utilisation, learning and transfer among women farmers in Nigeria. It assesses both modern and indigenous technologies used in farming activities. Three states were purposively selected from the six that comprise the South West geopolitical zone of the country. Structured questionnaire was administered...

Potentially Important Food Plants of Vietnam - Vietnamese

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Viet Nam

Revue spécialisée
Caravan - An integrated ‘systems’ approach for dryland agroecosystems

This issue of Caravan presents some successes of the collaboration of scientists and other stakeholders from ICARDA and national partners, where participatory research with local communities and women’s groups in particular, has reaped a range of benefits through an integrated systems approach. These examples demonstrate a path forward for sustainably...
Afghanistan - India - Iraq - Jordan - Morocco - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Document de travail
Women’s participation in agricultural cooperatives in Ethiopia

This paper uses a rich dataset from a survey undertaken by the Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in 2009 in eight woredas in seven regions of Ethiopia with a sample of 1,117 households and 73 agricultural cooperatives. Using descriptive statistics and econometric analysis...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Étude de cas
Contribution des femmes rurales à la sécurité alimentaire au Cameroun:quels apports du conseil à l’exploitation familiale ?  

En Afrique subsaharienne, les nouveaux dispositifs de vulgarisation basés sur des approches participatives promus par les structures publiques et privées jouent un rôle clé dans  l’amélioration de la productivité et de la sécurité alimentaire des exploitations agricoles familiales. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer le rôle des dispositifs d’appui-conseil étudiés dans l’accompagnement...

Bulletin d'information
Dimitra Newsletter: Social mobilization and good governance

A warm welcome to Dimitra newsletter 23, which outlines the project’s most recent activities and achievements, especially the development and growing impact of the Dimitra listeners’ clubs. These successes are producing growing recognition for the Dimitra approach and a strong increase in the number of partnerships. This issue also presents...
Benin - Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Mali - Niger - Togo
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Improving food security and agricultural livelihoods in Northern Uganda

Improving food security and agricultural livelihoods in Northern Uganda is an EU-funded Government of Uganda's Agricultural Livelihoods Recovery Project (ALREP) implemented by FAO in northern Uganda targeting people that have resettled in their homes after the 20 years of war. The video highlights how farmer field schools are being used...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
Family Farming Newsletter for Latin America and the Caribbean, January-March 2013

The year 2013 is of particular importance: it is the year we celebrate the International Year of Quinoa (IYQ), and we formally begin to prepare for the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) in 2014. Quinoa and Family Farming go hand in hand: both can contribute substantially toward the fight against hunger. However, to tap their...
Nicaragua - Paraguay - Peru - Suriname - Uruguay

Potentially Important Food Plants of Sri Lanka

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Sri Lanka

Mujeres y pesca artesanal en la Región Centroamericana para todos

Promoviendo alianzas y contribuyendo al mejoramiento de capacidades de los hombres y mujeres trabajadores de la pesca de pequeña escala en Centroamérica
Este documento presenta de forma interactiva la importancia de las mujeres en la pesca artesanal de Centroamérica, describiendo sus actividades, estadísticas regionales y detallando los derechos de las mujeres.
2013 - Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Profesionales para la Solidaridad Social (CoopeSoliDaR)

Document technique
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Challenges and Opportunities in the Food Sector

The aim of the workshop is to examine various types of standards and labels and to build upon lessons learned from concrete examples to identify issues and challenges to be addressed, discuss their potential contribution to improve sustainability of food systems, and propose measures in order to improve their effectiveness....
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Inclusión de la agricultura familiar en cadenas de valor

Proyecto Paraguay Inclusivo, informe de diseño del proyecto
El Proyecto “Inclusión de la Agricultura Familiar en Cadenas de Valor” tiene como objetivo: “contribuir a incrementar los activos, los ingresos y calidad de vida de los agricultores familiares campesinos pobres y población rural pobre, mediante su inserción en forma sostenible, y a través de sus organizaciones sociales representativas, en...
2012 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Paraguay

Bulletin d'information
Sistemas Ingeniosos del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM). La Agricultura de Chiloé

En este segundo Boletín informativo se seguirá comunicando acerca de activididades y logros del proyecto SIPAM, con la intención de que cada vez más actores del territorio puedan conocer y participar de esta iniciativa.
2012 - Universidad Austral de Chile

Note/document d'orientation
Cooperatives in small-scale fisheries

Enabling successes through community empowerment
Cooperatives in the small-scale fisheries sector are a way of maximizing long-term community benefits to deal with the threats of fisheries mismanagement, livelihood insecurity and poverty – harsh realities for many of the world’s small-scale fishers. Communities with successful community-based organizations are better off than those without (Ostrom, 1990). Successful...
Brazil - Mexico
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Document de travail
Poverty and gender effects of smallholder organic contract farming in Uganda

The objectives of this study were, first, to examine the impacts of certified organic contract farming on the food security of the smallholder farm households participating in such arrangements, and second, to assess the role of gender relations in these dynamics. In particular, the study considered how the costs and...
2012 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Étude de cas
Linking smallholder pastoralist milk producers and agro-industries in the greater Bamenda area of Cameroon

Over 95% of pastoralist women in the North West Region of Cameroon depend exclusively on milk production for their income. The overall decline in pastoral resources in the past decades has affected milk productivity, drawing attention and technical support from public and non-governmental partners. However, this did not lead to...
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Note/document d'orientation
Building an effective advocacy movement for sustainable and equitable agricultural development in Africa modernisation of smallholder agriculture and policy making in Uganda

Agriculture is the backbone of Uganda’s economy and an important driver of economic development and poverty reduction. Approximately 73% of Ugandans depend on agriculture. However, the sector currently faces many multifaceted challenges which include land degradation, inadequate market access, unreliable weather and civil strife. Agricultural growth is also affected by...

Étude de cas
Investing in women farmers for improved livelihoods and dairy value chain development in Kapchorwa District

Women in Kapchorwa district play a crucial role in sustaining their families through dairy and agricultural production. They provide most of the farm labour, which they combine with caring for their families, conducting farm and non-farm income-generating activities and contributing to community development initiatives. Increasingly, women are also involved in...
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Basta de violencia hacia las mujeres del campo - CONAMURI

La Coordinadora Nacional de Organizaciones de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (CONAMURI) de Paraguay aglutina a mujeres rurales e indígenas, que tiene entre sus principales objetivos el logro de igualdad de derechos entre hombres y mujeres en la familia, la organización y la sociedad. Tiene un enfoque específico en las discriminaciones...
Total results:2132