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Основная тема

How to bridge the missing middle working with climate-smart SMEs, intermediaries, financers and policy makers?

The objective of this impact report is to gain consolidated impact insights and lessons learned from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) financed SEED project: Financing and capacity building for micro and small climate-smart enterprises: Filling the gap of the missing middle. The 5-year global SEED project was operating in Ghana, India,...
Ghana - India - Indonesia - South Africa - Thailand - Uganda
2024 - SEED

Fields of contestation and contamination: Maize seeds, agroecology and the (de)coloniality of agriculture in Malawi and South Africa

Farmer-managed seed systems and the conservation of agrobiodiversity are increasingly recognized as important components of food and seed sovereignty. In contrast, hybrid, genetically modified (GM), and, increasingly, gene-edited crops continue to be promoted by Green Revolution proponents as a “climate smart” package that includes fertilizers, pesticides, purchased seeds, and links...
Malawi - South Africa

Статья в блоге
Developing strategies for young entrepreneurs’ business growth in South Africa

The Entrepreneur for Rural Access (ERAs) in South Africa gathered together with Vinjeru Mlenga, Entrepreneur Coach for Southern Africa, on 29 February 2024 in Polokwane, Limpopo province, South Africa, to discuss strategies and plans for ERAs’ business growth relating to screening of farmer-training videos using the smart projector.
South Africa
2024 - Access Agriculture

Политический обзор/документ
National Agroecology Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa

Lighthouses for food system transformation
This document sheds light on the ongoing efforts in Eastern and Southern Africa to develop National Agroecology Strategies (NASs), aiming to transform agri-food systems through the promotion of agroecological production practices, and the development of markets, value chains, and consumer demand. The brief offers an unique insight into policy advancements...
Kenya - Malawi - Rwanda - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2024 - Biovision Foundation

Статья информационного бюллетеня
South Africa: A Mere Mural on the Wall?

Christian Adams, a fisher leader, highlighted the experiences of small-scale fishers in South Africa facing large-scale challenges in the era of the Blue Economy. Edited excerpts
On the long struggle for legal recognition of the small-scale fisheries (SSF) sector SSF includes indigenous, traditional and artisanal fishers. They were subjected to extensive criminalization in South Africa and have fought a long struggle for legal recognition. They were recognized for the first time only in 2007, when the Equality...
South Africa
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Информационный сборник
Just transition and adaptation in the food system: national policy dialogue

The National policy dialogue on a just transition and adaptation in the food system took place in Ekurhuleni, from 20-22 September. Organisations representing the labour movement, smallholder farmers, farm workers, labour tenants, informal traders, waste reclaimers, food and land justice organisations, civil society, and policymakers came together to discuss building a...
South Africa
2023 - Alliance for Rural Advancement (AFRA)

An assessment of support for agroecology in South Africa’s policy landscape Report

Background document
In March 2023, civil society organisations and farmers met with thePortfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmentto share views on agroecology and to promote a call from 58 organisationsfor a national agroecology strategy.In support of the process, the ACB conducted a detailed review of 22 key policies across...
South Africa
2023 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology

Biowatch farmers speak out about living and thriving in troubled times: 2020–2022
The resilience of KwaZulu-Natal farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic and intersecting crises is highlighted in “Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology”, a new book launched by Biowatch. The book includes the experiences of 24 farmers who have adopted agroecology methods. These farmers have improved household food security and nutrition and built...
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Политический обзор/документ
An assessment of support for agroecology in South Africa’s policy landscape Policy Brief

Policy Brief
In March 2023, civil society organisations and farmers met with thePortfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmentto share views on agroecology and to promote a call from 58 organisationsfor a national agroecology strategy.In support of the process, the ACB conducted a detailed review of 22 key policies across...
South Africa
2023 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB

Информационный бюллетень
Biowatch Bulletin January 2023

August 2022 to January 2023
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Статья в блоге
Access Agriculture at Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (MaFAAS) 2023

“The Access Agriculture smart projector can transform farmer learning by allowing them not only to gain knowledge about good agricultural practices, but also to put into practice what they see in the videos,” said Blessings Mtembo from CARE International in Malawi, when he visited the Access Agriculture booth at the...
South Africa
2023 - Access Agriculture

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in South Africa

Agroecologie enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM...
South Africa
2022 - AVACLIM

Газетная статья
South Africa: A Seismic Shift

A coalition of fishing communities, activists and lawyers has come together to keep the coasts and oceans of South Africa free of the destructive Blue Economy agenda. To Hell with Shell!” This was the rallying call of small-scale fishing communities and indigenous coastal communities in South Africa as they mobilized support...
South Africa
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Тематическое исследование
Money where it matters for nature and climate

Financing EbA lessons from China, Peru, Uganda and South Africa
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is a proven cost-effective approach to address interlinked societal challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. Though there is still insufficient funding for it with little funding flowing to local implementors including local communities, indigenous people, local NGOs and governments. This collection explores four distinctive but complementary finance...
China - Peru - South Africa - Uganda
2022 - International Climate Initiative ( IKI )

Статья в блоге
Breaking from the rest of the continent

South Africa moves towards recognising smallholder farmers’ Right to Seed and farmer seed systems – but the road ahead is still long
After much anticipation, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) published draft Regulations to implement the Plant Improvement Act (2018) (PIA) – also known as South Africa’s Seed Law – and the Plant Breeders Rights Act (2018) (PBRA), for public comment. The closing date for comments on the...
South Africa
2022 - African Center for Biodiversity

Social capital: the crucial role of women's groups in scaling up agroecology

The leader of the Community Managed Natural Farming (CMNF) programme Vijay Kumar explains the Social Capital side of the story, and how women’s groups were a central part of the success of CMNF, now recognised worldwide as a model of agricultural transformation. The CMNF initiative has mobilised over a million...
India - South Africa
2021 - AFSA, Andhra Pradesh Community managed Natural Farming

"The state of the debate on agroecology in South Africa: A scan of actors, discourses, and policies"

This review of the agroecology debate in South Africa is part of the research project ''Transitions to Agroecological Food Systems: a case for policy support (TAFS)'' launched in 2020. Its main objective is to provide policymakers and stakeholders with convincing arguments about the importance and adapted ways of promoting agroecological transitions...
South Africa
2021 - CoE-FS, University of the Western Cape) and (CoE-FS, University of the Western Cape, and Cirad

Making the market work for nature

How biocredits can protect biodiversity and reduce poverty
Tackling biodiversity loss is a growing priority for human survival. Introducing incentives for positive actions could play a key role in helping to reverse this loss. This paper explores the potential of using a novel approach to promote biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity credits or ‘biocredits’ are coherent units of measurement that track...
Costa Rica - Germany - Malaysia - Namibia - South Africa - United States of America
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Policy recommendations based on lessons learned from eleven African countries

Measures that empower young agri-entrepreneurs should be a key component of a sustainable development-centred investment promotion strategy. The very realization of future generations’ food security, the sustainable transformation of food systems and the combat against unemployment and distress migration all depend upon the successful implementation of strategies that make the...
Côte d'Ivoire - Guinea - Malawi - Mali - Mauritania - Mozambique - Namibia - Senegal - South Africa - Tunisia - Uganda
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Crop protection: early warning systems for improved Quelea bird management

A short-term forecasting model (now adopted and implemented by the South African Development Community- SADC), predicts the movements and breeding of the Red-billed Quelea bird in southern Africa. This is to enable better mobilization and targeting of control resources by national and regional agencies, and methods for monitoring effects of...
South Africa
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:126
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