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Festival Latinoamericano de Juventudes Rurales - Intercambio 7

Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) son motor de gran parte de los cambios que actualmente viven nuestras sociedades y que también generan impacto entre las juventudes, ampliando la velocidad en que se comparte la información, extendiendo las modalidades de interacción social e impulsando otras formas de...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Youth Art Contest for the One Health Future We Want

With the COVID-19 pandemic signaling a historic moment to build transformative resilience across our health, food and ecosystems, the momentum to strengthen a One Health approach is gaining greater political and stakeholder traction. As the international community ramps up for a bigger One Health movement, FAO, through the World Food Forum, is organizing a...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Perú. Informe país de la agricultura familiar campesina e indígena.

Avances y retrocesos en el reconocimiento de la agricultura campesina, familiar y étnica comunitaria en Perú
En el año 2014, la declaración del "Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar" puso de relieve el papel crucial de la agricultura familiar en temas urgentes como la erradicación del hambre, la gestión de recursos naturales y la lucha contra la pobreza. Diversos actores, como la academia, los Estados, la...
2021 - International Land Coalition América Latina y el Caribe (ILC LAC)

Электронные учебные курсы
Taller de Escritura: Escribiendo historias de cambio: Conectando el conocimiento tradicional y las innovaciones para sistemas alimentarios justos y sostenibles

Este taller de escritura es un proceso creativo a través del cual se identificarán, reconocerán, escribirán y compartirán historias y experiencias de jóvenes, mujeres, agricultores, pequeños productores que trabajan para promover, mejorar y fortalecer la agricultura familiar y lograr sociedades rurales prósperas e inclusivas.​Esta iniciativa ha sido concebida para brindar...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Ñami Ñami. Sabores de Chile

La serie de videos Ñami Ñami, sabores de Chile, difunde el patrimonio alimentario de los territorios de un largo país con ecosistemas tan variados como el desierto, la pampa, valles, bosques y cordillera.  Niñas y niños de estas diversas regiones, nos relatan de una forma entretenida el origen y preparaciones de...
2021 - Iberococinas

Информационный сборник
Dharamitra in India

The initiative is located in Central India, encompassing the Vidarbha District and the adjoining districts of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Dietary-based anemia is a widespread problem, especially amongst young women. The area is facing an acute agrarian crisis. One of its causes is climate change and the increasingly unpredictable monsoon...
2021 - CARI, Gosavi Bahuudeshiya Sanstha (GBS)

Статья в блоге

In Nepal, agriculture is not the priority sector of the youth farmers. There are many policies and strategies targeted to youth, but the youths are unable to sustain in their business as they lack productive assets, mainly capital assets. The youths are not trusted by the financial institutions and are...
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association

Технический документ
CAP impact on Generational Renewal

The ageing of the farming population is one of the top challenges facing rural areas in the EU • Risk of land concentration • Increase in need of skilled (hired) labour • Vitality of rural areas => Generational renewal = priority of the CAP
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Информационный сборник
Agriculture Man Ecology Foundation in India

The initiative is located on the Deccan Plateau of India. The climate is semi-arid in the north but tropical elsewhere. The majority of the farming population own less than one hectare of land and live and work in fragile environments, with little capital for investment and few off-farm employment opportunities....
2021 - CARI, Gosavi Bahuudeshiya Sanstha (GBS)

Журнальная статья
El vivero, nuestro espacio de aprendizaje en pos de la inclusión y la diversidad

Históricamente los niños, niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad han sido parte de grupos invisibilizados, infantilizados y excluidos en los imaginarios sociales. Llevar adelante dispositivos que promuevan sus derechos implica trabajar con el fin de construir una sociedad más justa, diversa y equitativa. Esto significa tomar conciencia de que muchas veces,...
2021 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias/Universidad Nacional de Rosario


“We, farmers in Asia, join the global call to action against climate change. We call on the world leaders attending the COP26 to recognize family farmers as solution providers and to invest in establishing a Farmers’ Empowerment and Climate Resiliency Trust Fund. We are watching you, so act now. Act...
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association

Статья в блоге
Long-term vision for rural areas: Europeans share their views on rural areas

Improved infrastructure, especially in terms of public transport, is among the most pressing needs for rural areas. Farming is seen as the sector contributing the most to rural areas. These are some of the key outcomes of the online public consultation on the Long-term vision for rural areas held between 7 September...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Статья в блоге
Cuadernillo 109 años de Federación Agraria Argentina

En el aniversario de la entidad argentina publicó este compendio de información de interés
El 15 de agosto de 2021, la Federación Agraria Argentinaa (FAA) cumplió 109 años de vida. En la semana del aniversario, elaboró, publicó y difundió a través de sus redes y medios de comunicación, informes, artículos de opinión (escritos por los integrantes del Consejo Directivo Central de la entidad y...
2021 - Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

Ang Pangarap ni Alvin: Ang Pag-asa ng mga Dumagat Remontado (The Hope of the Dumagat Remontados)

The Dumagat Remontados is one of the several indigenous groups thriving on the ridges of the Sierra Madre mountains. The concentration of their population is mostly found in Tanay, Rizal province, and General Nakar, Quezon province, Philippines. In this film, the Dumagat Remontados shows us the importance of establishing a youth...
2021 - Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (PAKISAMA)

Young Farmers Open Letter Contest

In 2020, the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and La Via Campesina (LVC) through the ASEAN Farmers’ Organisation Support Programme (AFOSP) – Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Program (APFP) platform conducted the “Young Farmers Dance Challenge” with the following objectives: 1) to attract young people to join Farmers Organizations;...
2021 - Asia-Pacific Farmers' Forum

Young Farmers Letters to Policymakers

THE YOUTH HAVE SPOKEN! Young farmers from Asia have spoken up about the various issues affecting agriculture and forwarded their ideas on how to resolve these challenges that they also face as agriculture practitioners. Delve into the minds of today's youth. Read their letters addressed to policymakers in the agriculture sector and understand their...
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Статья в блоге
Sala de faena de Arequito: un proyecto integral enfocado en el desarrollo rural de pequeños productores santafesinos

Un proyecto que surgió en una reunión de socios de la filial Arequito de Federación Agraria Argentina se hace realidad: la sala de faena de animales pequeños lista para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo de cientos de familias.
Una noche de 2012, en una reunión a la que asistían alrededor de quince socios de la filial Arequito (provincia de Santa Fe) de la Federación Agraria Argentina, surgió entre los presentes una idea, a partir de una necesidad. Muchas familias de la zona requerían una solución porque hacían animales...
2021 - Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

COCOREADO Project - COnnecting COnsumers and producers to REbalance farmers’ position through AmbassaDOrs trainings.

COCOREADO, which is inspired by Esperanto for co-creation, is a project designed to rebalance the position of the farmer as an individual actor, as a key player in innovative food supply chains, and as a supplier for public procurement. Based on the multi-actor approach and a deep understanding of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation...
European Union

Статья в блоге
Teaching the farmers of tomorrow with videos

Youth around the world are leaving agriculture, but many would stay on the farm if they had appropriate technologies and better social services, as Professor Alejandro Bonifacio explained to me recently.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Access Agriculture

The Y factor: youth role in agri-food system

Youth have the power to transform agri-food systems. In the lead-up to the United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS), over 80 young women and men from farmer associations, rural youth networks, youth-led organizations and agribusinesses, young policymakers and diaspora youth joined an Independent Dialogue convened by the African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform and titled “The Y Factor: bringing...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:485