Supporting Family Farming in Swaziland FAO
FAO is supporting family farmers, who have an often-undervalued role to play in ensuring global food security. The Swaziland Agricultural Development Project, led by the government with assistance from the European Union and FAO, is helping over 20,000 smallholder farmers produce more, higher-quality food and connect with new markets.
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
How to become viable? A guidance material for small-scale farmers
There are many challenges faced by small scale family farmers. In this region, smallscale farmers have difficulty accessing markets, and when they do they lack competitiveness on the European markets. These farms are less resilient to floods and droughts, hence there is a need to strengthen the adaptive capacity of...
Hungary - Serbia
2015 - CEEweb for Biodiversity
Public policies for sustainable local food
In the last few years Hungarians have become more interested in healthy eating, as fresh and seasonal food has become more fashionable thanks to the promotion of local farm products by civil society. This trend is demonstrated by the rising popularity of farmers’ markets and food festivals, which have become...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe
EU farm economics overview FADN 2012
This report provides an overview of key economic developments in European agricultural holdings based on 2012 data, the latest available in the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The FADN survey represents farms that account for the majority of EU agricultural production. After the sharp decline in farm income in 2009,...
European Union
2015 - European Commission
Газетная статья
Agricultural market volatility is ‘here to stay’
Faced with falling meat and dairy prices, exacerbated by Russia’s embargo on EU products, which are affecting producers in many member states, the European Commission decided to authorise aid totalling €500 million, to help, among other things, with the private storage of cheese, powdered milk and pork.
2015 - EurActiv
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Small farmers and the revolution in Egypt: the forgotten actors
This paper analyses the relationship between small farmers and revolution in Egypt by describing their role in the current uprising and redefining the track and stages of the revolution’s development, as well as evaluating the historical relationship between small farmer uprisings and the urban elite. he paper provides ahistorical reading...
2015 - Department of Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt
Unión Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar Chile (UNAF)
Su misión es representar los intereses de los productores/as de la Agricultura Familiar, de sus organizaciones gremiales, económicas y comerciales; a través de una gestión basada en los principios del cooperativismo y la valoración del capital social chileno. Además UNAF busca garantizar la sustentabilidad económica, social y ambiental, que permita un mayor...
2015 - Unión Nacional de la Agricultura Familiar Chile (UNAF)
Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH)
MUCECH o Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile, es la unión estratégica de las organizaciones nacionales campesinas, de carácter social, político, económico y cultural.Organizaciones que Conforman la Corporación
Confederación Nacional Campesina (CNC)
Confederación Nacional Sindical Campesina e Indígena "Nehuén"
Confederación Nacional "El Triunfo Campesino"
Federación Nacional de Sindicatos Agrícolas "Sargento Candelaria Pérez"
Federación Nacional...
2015 - Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH)
Strengthening the cotton sector through South-South cooperation
The project aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the cotton value chain in the partner countries, and increase their capacities and levels to strengthen the cotton sector.
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Programa FidaMercosur CLAEH, fase 2015-2018: desafío nuevo y ampliado
Experiencia en el área, mirada de futuro y focalizada reflexión. Para aprovecharlos y potenciarlos, el Programa Fidamercosur CLAEH reunió a 40 actores relevantes de la agricultura familiar en Montevideo.
Durante dos jornadas, a través de diferentes dinámicas de trabajo, surgieron ideas, planteos y expectativas de cara a los 33 meses de...
2015 - FidaMercosur
Reunión de Planificación de la Alianza Sudamericana por el Suelo
El día 30 de Octubre se aprovechará la jornada para realizar una reunión de planificación y discusión interna de la Alianza Sudamericana por el Suelo, se contará también con un espacio de reunión con el grupo Ad-hoc de Suelos del CAS.
En los días 28 y 29 de octubre se realizará...
2015 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)
Diseño del programa de fortalecimiento de la producción de cacao en Bolivia
El sector cacaotero de Bolivia contará con asistencia técnica y financiera para el fortalecimiento del sector gracias a la carta de acuerdo firmada entre la Central de Cooperativas Agropecuarias “El Ceibo Ltda.” en representación de la Confederación Nacional de Productores y Recolectores de cacao de Bolivia - COPRACAO y el...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Sustainable Food Consumption in Arab Countries
The need for sustainable food consumption in Arab countries has emerged from the regional concern for food and nutrition security that requires special consideration on multiple levels and disciplines. In response to population growth and demand, the current Arab food system – characterized by intensive agricultural production as well as...
Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - United Arab Emirates - Yemen
2015 - Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
Taller Virtual Avances de las Políticas Agropecuarias en la Integración Regional Centroamericana, Edición 1
Este taller es presentado por la Red de Expertos en Integración Regional Centroamericana,Edición 1. El número de participantes es limitado y además, se concederán becas. La formación se realiza completamente por internet.
2015 - Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA)
Heterogeneous preferences and the effects of incentives in promoting conservation agriculture in Malawi
Malawi faces significant challenges in meeting its future food security needs because there is little scope for increasing production by simply expanding the area under cultivation. One potential alternative for sustainably intensifying agricultural production is by means of conservation agriculture (CA), which improves soil quality through a suite of farming...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Gestão sustentável na agricultura
A agropecuária brasileira, através de seus contínuos ganhos de produção e de produtividade, vem contribuindo de forma relevante para a segurança alimentar do País e, ao mesmo tempo, desempenhando a função de suprir o mundo com alimentos, biocombustíveis e fibras. Na safra 2013/2014 a produção brasileira dos principais alimentos mais...
2015 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)
A Shift In Global Perspective: Institutionalizing Farmer Field Schools
The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach has been very successful and witnessed a strong expansion in many areas beyond crop production. Notwithstanding this success, the adoption of FFS in national extension often remains problematic and FFS activities have often been implemented in the margin of national institutions with strong reliance...
China - Indonesia - Jordan - Peru - Viet Nam
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Газетная статья
Strategies used by the saffron producers of Taliouine (Morocco) to adapt to climate change
In Morocco, the mountainous regions extend over about 26% of the national territory where 30% of the total population live. They contain opportunities for agriculture, forestry, pastureland and mining. The production systems in these zones are characterised by crop diversification. However, these areas have become vulnerable to the effects of...
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2015
Youth in Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
African countries have the youngest population in the world and the largest share of the world’s available arable land. Indeed, as the Youth Division of the Africa Union Commission puts it, about 65% of the total population of Africa is below the age of 35 years and 10 million youth...
2015 - Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Scientists Call for Action at EXPO Milano on Salinity, a Growing Agricultural Crisis: The Case of Iraq
An estimated 25,000 hectares of Iraqi farmland are abandoned every year because of elevated salt levels from a combination of poor drainage system and salt-laden irrigation water, particularly in the Tigris-Euphrates basin in central and southern Iraq – the country’s traditional breadbasket. The ‘roadmap’ to implement evidence-based salinity reduction and management is no doubt...
2015 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Total results:19649