Base de datos FAOLEX


Date of text: 01 March 2021


Desarrollo agrícola y rural

Date of original text: 01 March 1974 (1992)
Date of original text: 01 January 1947 (1992)


Date of text: 28 February 2013
Date of original text: 15 March 1955 (1992)

Alimentación y nutrición

Date of original text: 01 January 1957 (1992)
Date of original text: 15 October 1981 (1992)
Date of original text: 10 December 1958 (1989)
Date of text: 01 November 1939


Date of original text: 17 June 1941 (1992)
Date of original text: 14 June 1901 (1992)
Date of original text: 1941 (1952)


Date of original text: 13 December 1944 (1989)

Tierra y suelos

Date of original text: 30 December 1975 (1992)
Date of original text: 19 September 1975 (1992)
Date of original text: 29 November 1958 (1992)


Date of text: 13 June 2017
Date of original text: 20 March 1935 (1992)
Date of text: 09 November 1995

Protección social

Date of text: 30 October 2020


Date of original text: 04 July 1973 (18 November 1989)
Date of original text: 1945 (11 November 1953)

Especies silvestres y ecosistemas

Date of original text: 13 December 1984 (1992)
Date of text: 2008


Date of text: 13 October 2010
Date of text: 28 July 2017

Acuerdos Internacionales

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