Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 46

Claim no easy victories: Evaluating the Pesticide Industry's Global Safe Use Campaign

Étude de cas

2000 - World Development - Gerd Walter-Echols, Harry van der Wulp
The pesticide industry's Global Safe Use campaign has reportedly produced a dramatic decline in pesticide-related health and environmental problems in Guatemala. This paper challenges this claim, reanalyzing existing data and further evaluating claims of the campaign's efficacy.
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Health Effects of Pesticide use among Indonesian Women Farmers. Part II: Reproductive Health outcomes

Étude de cas

2000 - Journal of Agromedicine - Helen Murphy, Arik Sanusi, Russ Dilts, S. Yuliantiningsih, N. Hirschhorn, M. Djajadisastra
A study conducted on female spray operators and a non operators to assess the reproductive impacts of pesticide use.
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Health Effects of Pesticide use among Indonesian Women Farmers. Part I: Exposure and Acute Health Effects

Étude de cas

1999 - Journal of Agromedicine - Helen H. Murphy FNP, MHS , Arik Sanusi , Russell Dilts EdD , Sri Yuliatingsih , Marlinda Djajadisastra, Norbert Hirschhorn MD
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The Health Effects of Pesticide Use Methods to Conduct Community Studies with School Age Children

Matériel de formation

1997 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Helen Murphy
These materials and exercises will help school children understand the dangers of pesticide use. The author is interviewed about her work during the Toxic Trail Documentary.
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Relationship of Pesticide Spraying to Signs and Symptoms in Indonesian Farmers

Documents techniques de référence

1995 - Scand J Work Environ Health - Kishi M, Hirschhorn N, Djajadisastra M, Satterlee LN, Strowman S, Dilts R.
Objectives: This study assessed correlations between exposure to pesticides and signs and symptoms of pesticide toxicity among Indonesian farmers. Methods: Detailed observations were recorded of spray frequency and pesticide handling, dermal exposure, and the chemicals used. Symptoms of acute illness were reported by the farmers, and signs of poisoning were [...]
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Acute Pesticide Poisoning: A Major Global Health Problem

Étude de cas

1990 - World Health Statistics Department - J. Jeyaratnam
A global 1990 analysis on pesticides and the dangers they cause to health and crops.
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