New FFS project to address climate change and land degradation in Burundi

The project “Natural landscapes rehabilitation and Climate Change Adaptation in the region of Mumirwa in Bujumbura and Mayor of Bujumbura through a Farmer Field School approach” will be elaborated by the FAO over the coming 12 months. Project activities will then start in mid-2018 until 2022.
The project, funded by the GEF, follows a series of GEF funded projects aiming to address climate change adaptation by integrating FFS activities at community level with policy actions to address climate change and land degradation. Parallel projects have been set up in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal and Uganda. The existence of multiple projects facilitates the exchange of information, best practices and lessons learned across countries.
The project will be executed in collaboration with the Ministry of Water, Environment, Spatial Planning and Urban Development (MWELPU), the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAE), as well as the national research institute, farmer organisations, and in cooperation with other development organisations active in the intervention areas.
The project will be implemented along four main components. Component 1: Strengthening institutional and technical capacity for mainstreaming CC adaptation into policies, strategies and plans; Component 2: Enhancing climate-resilience of agro-ecosystems; Component 3: Improving the livelihoods of communities by strengthening and diversifying value chains and income generation activities; Component 4: Project monitoring and dissemination of results.
For further information contact: [email protected] and [email protected]