Refresher course on FFS Zero Budget Natural Farming

With support from FAO, the Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) programme in Andhra Pradesh is strengthening its use of non-formal education approaches and their application to ZBNF in particular on soils, initially in the Guntur district.
FAO and its partners have developed many tools and exercises on discovery learning with farmers on soil health, cover crops, mulching etc, which are being adapted to the ZBNF practices and local agro-ecosystem context.
A Curriculum Development Workshop cum training of facilitators was held in May 2018, and a first round of Guntur farmer facilitators' training held in June 2018.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a refresher course on discovery learning and FFS for Guntur community resource persons, to pilot FFS in Guntur during the Kharif 2018 season.
Purpose of the workshop:
1) Share concepts of Non-Formal Education and Discovery-based learning, and their application to sustain ZBNF transitions
2) Practice NFE exercises on soil health for ZBNF, which can be done during FFS
3) How to conduct an FFS (groundwork, topic identification, comparisons, M&E…)
4) Finetune strategy for selective roll-out and formulate next steps and additional trainings needed
Contact person: [email protected]