Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Strengthening small-scale farmers and producer organizations’ capacities through farmer field schools on forestry and agroforestry

03/10/2023 03/10/2023

Join this hybrid seminar to learn about the importance of the strategic mobilization and scaling-up of forestry and agroforestry extension and capacity building for producer organizations, smallholders and forest communities to enhance sustainable forestry and food production.

This seminar draws upon the ongoing NFO-NSP collaboration to strengthen the capacities of small-scale farmers and producer organizations through farmer field schools (FFS). The event will highlight insights gained on how FFS on forestry and agroforestry can help farmers and forest dwellers to build their ecological knowledge while creating a context for local problem solving and social organization that are linked to innovations in natural resource management and food production.

Diverse experiences of FFS from Africa, Asia and Latin America will be shared by speakers from the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC), the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and Fundación EkoRural, followed by a panel discussion on ways to strengthen FFS on forestry and agroforestry in the future. Speakers and the panel will take questions and encourage discussion and sharing of experiences and ideas.

Join us in the Austria Room at FAO HQ or register to attend online here.


10.00 – 10.10

Welcoming remarks

Ewald Rametsteiner, NFO Deputy Director, Forestry Division, FAO


10.10 – 10.25

Technical presentation and launch of the publication “Enabling ‘Response-ability’: A stocktaking of farmer field schools in smallholder forestry and agroforestry.

José Vilialdo Díaz-Díaz, Forestry Officer, FAO


10.25 –


Regional experiences of FFS on forestry and agroforestry

  1. Stephen G. Sherwood, Fundación EkoRural and Wageningen University
  2. Jane Nzilani Ndeti, Kenya Forest Service (KFS)
  3. Ronnakorn Triraganon, The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC)




Q/A with presenters

11.25 – 11.45

Panel Discussion: Opportunities, priorities, and ways forward to strengthen FFS on forestry and agroforestry: creating synergies between forestry and agriculture, moderated by Suzanne Phillips (FAO)


  • Anne-Sophie Poisot

Senior Agricultural Officer, Team Leader: Global Farmer Field School Platform, Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), FAO

  • Máximo Gerardo Ochoa Jácome

Project Officer, PROMOVE Agribiz, FAO Mozambique

  • Stephen G. Sherwood

Knowledge, Technology, and Innovation Specialist, Fundación EkoRural and Wageningen University


11.45 – 12.20

Q/A with panellists


12.20 – 12.30

Closing remarks

Baogen Gu, Team Leader, Pest and Pesticide Management Team, on behalf of NSP, FAO



 Join us in the Austria Room at FAO HQ or register to attend online here.