FISH4ACP is an initiative of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) aimed at making fisheries and aquaculture value chains in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific more productive and sustainable to contribute to food and nutrition security, economic prosperity and job creation [more].

Zimbabwe - Boosting tilapia farming with black soldier fly-based fish feed
Fact sheet on how FISH4ACP is promoting the use of the black soldier fly as a sustainable and financially viable alternative fish feed in Zimbabwe.

Tanzania - New smoking and drying methods help fish processors produce more food and increase their incomes
Fact sheet on how FISH4ACP is helping fish processors in the United Republc of Tanzania utilize innovative solutions for drying and smoking fish to produce more food and increase their...
12 value chains in 12 ACP countries

Where we work
FISH4ACP works with twelve fisheries and aquaculture value chains from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries on maximizing their economic returns and social benefits, while minimizing the detrimental effects on natural habitats and marine wildlife.
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