Disease and health management in Asian Aquaculture
01 January 2005
01 January 2005
This paper describes the various factors, providing specific examples, which have contributed to the current disease problems faced by aquaculture production.
European Union regulation that guides national requirements related to handling and hygiene. Annex III Section VIII specifically focusses on fish and fishery products.
Asian fisheries today: The production and use of low value/trash fish from marine fisheries in the Asia-Pacific region
01 January 2005
01 January 2005
The importance of low value/trash fish in the Asia-Pacific is reviewed, including challenges in production and use.
Failure to meet market requirements in terms quality and safety will often result in rejections of consignments and food loss and waste.
Discards in the world’s marine fisheries – an update
01 January 2005
01 January 2005
This study provides an update of the quantity of discards in the world’s marine fisheries based on a fishery-by-fishery approach. Evidence is presented for a substantial reduction in discards in recent years, and policy issues...